Monday, July 30, 2018

Muay Thai in the evening. With our partner we would throw a punch and a kick, switching off. My partner was coach Anthony which is always fun. I was chasing him around and getting tagged, but my jab found its target several times while he was showboating. My sense of distance is something I'm really going to focus on.

Other partners were either more inexperienced than me or, in the case of one guy, more out of shape, so I significantly held back and took the opportunity to lightly work on inside leg kicks and higher body kicks against moving opponents.

Told coach I'd been watching Bazooka Joe tutorial videos on YouTube at his behest and he invited me to stay after hours and work on things as I wanted to. Ended up staying until 9 pm. Took some bagwork video.

Ate a lot over the weekend. Went to the Gilroy Garlic Festival Saturday afternoon and ended the evening at an Italian restaurant for my niece's birthday. So much pasta. Alcohol intake was a single tequila drink with dinner and when I recoiled at how much sugar it had I cut myself off there.

SSB squats
310 x 5
360 x 5
405 x 5
Been having right knee pain the past few weeks. Warmed up extensively today and I didn't feel it today.

Neck crunches between squat sets. Forward, backwards, and each side with the thick Iron Woody band.

310 x 8, 8, 8

Hise shrugs
310 x 20

Romanian deadlifts
215 x 2 x 8
First time deadlifting anything since last year, or picking up something that weighs this much for that matter.