Tuesday, February 26, 2019

315, 360, 410 x 5
330 x 8, 9
Last set dropset to 225, 135, 45 x 10
* Some left knee pain just from walking upstairs, but wasn't an issue squatting. Nor was my busted right shin. Weight felt very light but I felt light-headed and shaky so it was hard to balance, like I could blast up a lot more than I was at the risk of falling right over. Maybe train sooner after eating when doing squats.

Romanian deadlifts (overhand)
315 x 8

TnG deadlifts
335 x 8
Last week George expressed interest in going to Muay Thai with me so we planned for yesterday. I met him at 7:00 for the 7:15 class. Very chill session since coach wanted me to stick with my friend for the duration of it rather than go with the more advanced group. We did warm-ups and drilled footwork, then took turns holding the mitts for each other. At the end we took the combo we'd been working on and applied it to the bag with a right kick at the end. Finished with abs.

Injured my shin at the work party on Saturday kicking some old equipment that was bound to be thrown away. Pretty stupid. Well, it was healing nicely until I slammed it into the bag and felt pain shoot up my leg. Went southpaw until class ended after that. After a good sleep though it feels much better again. I should be able to squat with it but will refrain from kicking anything (Lord help me).