Thursday, May 2, 2024

 Went to the beach after bench pressing on Sunday (what a classic combination) and extended the bicep phase of the workout even more by opting to carry our cooler across the sand instead of pulling it from the handle. My biceps were actually sore until Tuesday, which rarely happens.

Good technical boxing sesh after work on Tuesday. I didn't get corrected on form, but after watching the coach demonstrate, I have a suspicion I'm not angling my upper-body enough when getting in low for a body hook. Something I want to practice and film.

Found time after waking up before my alarm to get in 30 burpees and 20 band pull-aparts before work Wednesday morning, and then moved some weight that evening:

Sumo deadlifts
570 x 1.5, 2

Fell forward just before lockout on the 2nd rep of the 1st set, so tried again and handily got it. Once again, I'm experiencing thigh chaffing from my thumbs, and they're digging into my legs enough that it's actually slowing me down at the top. Not mere friction, although my thighs are red from that too, but actually getting blocked by flesh. Never experienced this pulling conventional but the baby powder method makes sense now. For next time, I'll remember to wear some slick tights I originally bought for Muay Thai and see if that helps.

My right collarbone hurt a little afterwards from fighting to not fall forward and it's sore today. Doesn't feel too bad, but hopefully it's not something that lingers as it feels tender if I throw right punches. The last time I hurt this collarbone, I was 5 and broke it by falling off a playground jungle gym I was climbing to retrieve a Ninja Turtle sai (Raphael's weapons); I had the other sai in one hand and a beefstick in the other.

Beach shot from Sunday: