Thursday, December 30, 2021

Clean and press
160 x 5
185 x 3
205 x 2
Last 2 super-set with pull-ups
10, 10

Swiss bar press
145 x 8, 8
Super-set with pull-ups
10, 10
570 x 3 (PR)

Returning at night:

405 x 15

SSB squats
150 x 30, 30, 25

Monday, December 27, 2021

Did shadowboxing and hill sprints on Friday night before I hosted a friend, who responded with astonishment that I trained on Christmas Eve upon her arrival. Went to George's house for Christmas where we watch the new Matrix (it wasn't great IMO). Day after I didn't do any training but had a huge dinner of Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes. Did a lot of shopping for the cat too. Fun weekend. 
Clean first rep and press
150 x 3
170 x 3
195 x 3
Last set super-set with chin-ups

Clean and press every rep
145 x 8, 8, 7
Super-set with chin-ups
10, 10, 10

Incline Close-grip swiss bar bench press
135 x 10
Super-set with wide-grip pull-ups

Friday, December 24, 2021

SSB squatted 290x8 and 330x3x8 yesterday, then came back at night and did good mornings, band leg curls, and ab wheel rollouts. Good two days of lifting. Haven't felt my chest get sore from bench pressing in years but this amount of volume has been doing it.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

It's been a week with the kitten and my sleep hasn't really suffered considering he sleeps with me half the night. I've woken up a few times from him climbing on me but he's pretty behaved about learning when the giant bipedal furless cat is asleep and won't be getting up (very different from a dog's needs). 

Have significantly reduced my edible consumption in order to not be tired just in case. Very easy sacrifice. 

More than once I've put off training to tend to him or just catch up on chores, and since I'm not losing weight I think it's only benefitted my strength. Boxing and Muay Thai training at home have been greatly reduced lately although I've gotten some shadowboxing sessions in, will greatly increase that. I've gotten sidetracked about going to the gym and need to work that out, too.

Bench press
245 x 3
275 x 3
310 x 3
245 x 8
225 x 10, 10, 10, 7
Super-set with dumbbell rows (starting from 310 bench)
100 x 8
115s x 8, 10, 10, 10
125 x 10

Y-rowa, preacher curls, band pressdowns

The weight feels pretty heavy but when it comes to the money set I'm seeing steady improvements. 
Squatted 445x3 yesterday. Was planning on doing the rest after work but had company over to help with the kitten and didn't get to it. I did have the time but it was a rare moment of putting off training entirely. My plan is to do upper body today and then return back and make use of the SSB and get in some squat volume. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Axle pressed 195x3 from the floor the other day. The work after is what's the most challenging. 145x3x8 clean and pressing every rep doesn't sound like much but the forearm fatigue is what makes this tough and the axle is hard to hold after awhile. It's important to not hesitate, just grip and rip without thinking and not let the mind get a chance to dawdle. The pressing itself isn't so bad.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

My back has been hurting lately and I had a bad mat pull session yesterday. Couldn't break 570 off 2 mats so I did 500x5 before I stopped not out of fatigue but noticing pain in my lower left every time I unloaded the weight. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Bench press
225 x 5
260 x 5
295 x 5
245 x 9, 8, 10, 9, 8
Super-set with dumbbell rows
100 x 10
115 x 10, 10, 10, 10, 12

Push-ups immediately after last bench press set x 10

Got interrupted a lot from work, so made up for the long rest times with heavier weight and additional reps beyond the planned 8 for 245.

Glad I got this done on the 5 hours of sleep that I did because the rest of the day did not let up. Just insanely busy. Frozen Trader Joe's pepperoni pizza, homemade weightgainer, and a multivitamin kept me full with very little time expended prepping food.

So glad I got a blender last week, it's saved me so much time.

In other news, I'm going after work today to pick-up a kitten from one of my plumbers whose cat had babies.
Had at least three good training sessions I didn't record, but in a nutshell they were benching 255x5x8, squatting 365x5x8, and axle clean and pressing 205.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Mat pulls (3)
570 x 0, 3 (PR)
* Success. After a false start I mentally ran through form cues that help me (lift with legs, push holes through the earth with feet, pretend a giant rubber band is trying to crunch you and you're expanding against it) and did a strong triple.

Was running late for a zoom meeting (that I infuriatingly had to be in the office for) so I dropped everything here and rushed to work, drinking a glass of milk and eating a protein bar on the drive over. After it was done I had a little bit of leftover turkey and quinoa, then ate straight out of a mixed nut butter jar. Downed another glass of milk at home and finished up at night.

SSB squats
150 x 40(PR), 30, 25

Stomach felt absolutely wretched and my head felt bad too. Felt like I was going to throw up the nut butter. 

For some reason lifting at night gives me digestive issues lately and I yawn a ton, then feel fine and awake a couple of hours later. 
Did another living room work out yesterday reaching 75 burpees along with shadow kickboxing, exercise biking, and 120 jumping jacks. Total time was 14 minutes. 

Monday, December 6, 2021

Had two very productive sessions of Yukon squatting 365x5x8 and bench pressing 255x5x8 over the weekend while hosting a friend. Doing 5 sets of the same weight with compound movements is something I haven't done in a long time and with the calorie surplus I ought to take as much advantage of extra volume as I can. I also suck at it in terms of recovery between sets, which is an excellent reason to do more of it.

Running on about 6 hours of sleep today due to a work meeting at 7:30 (free Chick-Fil-A though). Did my living room workout, getting 70 burpees with a couple breather seconds here and there.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Had a great second Thanksgiving over the weekend at a friend's house. Didn't train on Saturday and Sunday, being out of town.

While I'm typing about rest, I have actually been making a concerted effort to be on my feet less. A combination of martial arts training, cooking, cleaning up the kitchen, and just wanting to do some general house cleaning after work was taking a toll on my knees and feet.

Came back Monday and had a subpar mat pull session, managed to move 570 for 1 off 3 mats at least but after feeling a slight twinge in my back I was no good for more. Did SSB squats with 150 x 30, 25, 20 afterwards and my inner quads are torched from that. Still sore now on Thursday.

Also viper pressed 210x1 with my log on Tuesday.

Yesterday I did my living room workout with a PR of 62 unbroken burpees this time despite my legs being debilitatingly sore.

Friday, November 26, 2021


Bench press
255 x 5
290 x 3
325 x 1
Last set super-set with dumbbell rows
100 x 8

Dumbbell press
115s x 8, 8, 7
Super-set with dumbbell rows
115 x 10, 10
125 x 8

A whirlwind of other isolation stuff.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Yukon squatted 435x5 yesterday. Assistance work involved 315 for 3 sets of 8, 9, 10, with the final being a strip-set down to 225, 135, and 45 x 10. Noticed lately my back really tires out on squats. I think it's the bar, which is cool. It's long, I think longer than a typical buffalo bar and more curvy, so it takes more back to keep it steady certainly than a straight bar but in a different way than an SSB.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Log pressed 200x3 yesterday. First two reps were smooth viper presses but had to use leg drive to get the third.

Did a 15 minute home conditioning workout before work today of the usual pattern. This time was 60 non-stop burpees.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Up to 205 lbs. Haven't even started making weightgainer shakes yet, but organic milk and toast with almond butter have been staples in my diet this week. Still doing the same amount of cardio, which I should make effort to log more.

Mat pulls (4)
500 x 0, 1
570 x 3 (PR)
500 x 5 (TnG)
* I normally don't write the work-up sets but the false start with 500 was notable. Been keeping about one rep left in the tank on 570 lately, still unsure if that's a good idea or if I should be giving it all every session. 

SSB squats
150 x 25, 20, 20

RKC planks
60 seconds, 30

Swiss ball crunches 

This workout took really long because I had a massive pressure headache after 570 that I waited out before continuing. I've been making efforts to shorten my workouts but I give a pass on this. Next time I think I'll ignore it though. 
Bench press
240 x 3
275 x 3
307.5 x 3
Last set super-set with dumbbell rows
100 x 8

Dumbbell press
115s x 8, 8
Super-set with dumbbell rows
115 x 8
125 x 8

Friday, November 12, 2021

Didn't make it past my warm-ups today because of work, which was annoying, but next week my schedule should settle into more defined hours. I'll hit my log press session either this evening after work or tomorrow afternoon.

I'm putting a new bed together and am looking forward to seeing what a new mattress does for my back. It's been feeling better lately though. This is kinda funny but last week I watched Usman vs Covington 2, and I noticed before the fight Usman swiveling his hips in a circular motion. Doing that motion during periods I would otherwise be standing still has been making a marked difference.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Got my COVID booster shot yesterday and planned for a total rest day today in anticipation of feeling crummy but I feel nothing besides a sore shoulder. At work as a result. I'll still take the rest, though.

I'm up 5 lbs, at 199. Just been naturally drifting to eating more and more, and I figure why not? I can't find a single competition with openings, and my NorCal meet still has the last update from November 2020 saying they'll reannounce a date. I should get my $150 back, it's been 2 years I'm entered in that.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

 Mat pulls (4)
570 x 0, 0
500 x 9 (TNG)

Front squats/back squats
135 x 5, 5
225 x 5, 5

This is all I had time before between working first job and going to second. Felt kinda lousy about not being able to move 570, but 500x9 is a PR and I knowingly violated my method of longer stretches of recovery because I'm getting my COVID booster shot tonight and I wanted to get in all my training before a planned rest day tomorrow from the side-effects.

 Yesterday did 60 burpees and the rest of my typical living room conditioning workout, primarily with shadow kickboxing to videos, for a total of 22 minutes. Not fasted, was after breakfast.

Went on a jog at night.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Yesterday I had a solid squat sesh with the Yukon bar up to 435x3 with strip-sets of 365x3, 315x7, 225x8, 135x8, and 45x8. Did some banded leg curls and slow sets of 5 on the ab wheel after.

Bench press
225 x 5
255 x 5
290 x 5

Super-set with.dumbbell press
115s x 8, 7, 7

Last four sets of presses superset with dumbbell rows of 115-125 x 8

Incine skullcrushers
35s with Fat Gripz x 10
Without Fat Gripz x 7
Super-set with preacher curls
Same weight x 9, 8

As I type this my hands and forearms are so pumped from the combination of elbow sleeves and fat gripz I can barely press the keys on my phone. 

Okay, post-workout now. Wasn't able to keep up with everything in this log entry but finished up with some rear-delt lat raises and band pressdowns when I went to failure on the skullcrushers. 

Really solid workout. I'm feeling a bit stronger from having gained some weight. Since this just seems to be what's naturally occurring I upped the volume a little but I'm going to be sticking with my practice of more rest days in general since it's having my body feel good. 

Thursday, November 4, 2021


Mat pulls (5)
570 x 4
* Very pleased. Took an extra day of rest and did some stretches and back prehab like reverse band hyperextensions yesterday to have it feeling ready. I could have rest-paused for a 5th and maybe 6th, but I'm purposely leaving a little in the tank. If I can do three reps from the ground I'll be super happy but just two will be a PR.

Belt squats
6 plates x 8
8 plates x 10
Super-set with bodyweight split-squats
5, 8

RKC plank
58 seconds

I'm so over missing reps week after week. Time to have my expectations at a good place and crush workouts again.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Yukon squats up to 435 x 1
* Hit a deep 435 and it felt like a ton. I was both really hungry and also don't feel recovered enough. I'm learning that these deep squats are requiring more rest days so my hips get back up to speed. Called it here and am treating it as a deload.

Yukon squat pyramid
315 x 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
* Left knee feeling a little raw. Different sensation from when it outright aches, this feels like something abrasive is rubbing inside.

Despite what I noted, I walked away feeling fresh. I'm REALLY looking forward to next week with my new training approach. I'm at a stage in my training where I'm hungry to try all kinds of new things, really.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Did my circuit cardio session yesterday of the bike, 50 burpees, shadowkickboxing, and the bike again.

 Landmine press

Worked-up to 3 plates x 10, 9, 8(7 on right side)
Super-set with pull-ups x 10, 10, 11
* PR on the sets of 10 and 9, to my surprise. Right arm was tiring quicker than left. Interesting to note that before bicep surgery this was my stronger arm.

10 lbs x 10
Super-set with pull-ups x 10, 10


Keg curls
160 x 8

40 second chinup x 2

This workout had me feeling excellent afterwards and I got a decent pump. It was a good choice to switch things up.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Woke up after 2.5 hours of sleep and felt wide awake so made breakfast and lifted early in the morning.

Mat pulls (5)
570 x 0
500 x 8 (TnG)
* Moving 570 just wasn't happening.

Belt squats
6 plates x 8
8 plates x 8, 9

Split-squats (bodyweight), exercise ball plank

Between my clicks shoulder and my right forearm pain flaring up again, my body isn't too happy right now. I'm going to be modifying my training to put more emphasis on recovery. Training to max effort four times a week on top of Muay Thai training while maintaining or losing weight just ain't feeling good. I'm looking forward to change. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Bench press
255 x 5
285 x 3
320 x 1
Last set super-set with unilateral dumbbell rows
100 x 8

Decline bench press
235 x 8, 8, 8
Super-set with unilateral dumbbell rows
115 x 8
120 x 8, 10

Band pressdowns, curls

Left shoulder is pissy from one of the bench sets. Felt pain when I tried to do banded chest press and it's clicking a little now. Should be fine in a day or two.

I feel like I'm doing a lot for a gain of little to none under my current weight status, basically hovering around 194 consistently. Too often I extend the length of my workout to squeeze in yet another "thing", but I'm just not seeing the benefits play out if I'm not gaining weight it seems. As far as recovery goes, I also need to consider how much shadowboxing I'm doing between lifting sessions, some of it very intense, and this is only going to increase when I go back to the studio.

I also think I'd benefit from being in my workouts a shorter period of time but this is tough with work interrupting me. My answer to that is get to it earlier and hit it hard and fast.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Mat pulls (6)
470 x 5
* Focused on powering through with my legs. Probably had more reps in me.

Belt squats
Up to 8 plates x 10, 10

Alternating SSB lunges 
150 x 16


Have been on creatine for a little less than a week now. Not loading, just taking it with my protein shake.

Monday, October 18, 2021

The pumpkin patch weekend ended up being a lot of fun. Had an annoying start when I found out they had no food there except gas station-type snacks, with no protein except for nuts. Did not plan for that. My friend was gracious enough to be cool about turning back and going to a nearby diner so I could load up on calories. It worked out because this restaurant is themed and a visiting point all on its own, so I'm actually glad it ended up happening this way. Ordered a massive burger that I didn't think I'd finish but did very easily.

Also had a sushi feast on Sunday to end things on.

Bench press
235 x 3
275 x 3
305 x 3
235 x 9, 9, 9
Super-set with dumbbell rows
50s x 8, 8
100 x 8
125 x 9, 9, 9

Arnold press against bands
50s x 8
Wide-grip pull-ups

Incline skullcrushers
35s x 7

Friday, October 15, 2021

Yukon squats
315 x 5
365 x 5
415 x 5
* Going as deep as I am actually makes this pretty damn challenging. This was just the right amount of weight for 5. Or maybe I'm just weak. It'd be interesting to go back to parallel-depth squats and see how I measure up to before.

315 x 7, 10

SSB lunges
150 x 10 (alternating)
Good mornings
150 x 5 
Banded leg curls
15, 15

Hanging leg raises, ab wheel

Going to visit a pumpkin patch tomorrow. Besides just liking to mention life stuff that I come back to read later, it's relevant because I'll probably be eating a lot while out and about. For Halloween I'm leaning toward doing an updated Ash from the Evil Dead series. I was him a few years ago but I look very different now at 25 lbs lighter a bodyweight and I want my get-up to be more battle-worn and tattered.

Practiced some Muay Thai shadowkickboxing rounds yesterday alongside a couple Shane Fazen YouTube videos. I like to have him on in the background, working alongside me. Sometimes I get ideas seeing his combos out of the corner of my eye.

I think my uppercuts have traditionally looked awful when not on the heavy bag and watching him has taught me to telegraph them less. I was really exaggerating the dip-down.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

 Axle push-press
160 x 5
185 x 5
210 x 4, 5
Super-set with wide-grip pull-ups
8, 10, 16

Got called into second job early so left it at here. Happy I was able to get that second attempt of 210x5.

Something to note, the last 2 weeks I've cut the nightly frequency of my edible usage significantly down and I've noticed my sleep quality has risen because of it. Seems like the regularity of doing it makes the difference, not an amount on any one night. In other words, taking the amount I did (usually half a pomegranate juice gummy) on a regular basis causes the fatiguing effect, but taking a full gummy or two once or twice a week does not.

Unrelated but my finances are in a healthy-enough spot that I can sign-up for Muay Thai again. That free session at AKA was a good one, and it's the only place I've found that has a Muay Thai technique class that late so I can hit it up after work (only other option is a kickboxing cardio class at a gym closer to my place, which isn't what I'm looking for).


Mat pulls (6)
570 x 0, 2
500 x 8
* My second attempt was too wide a stance despite being able to eke out a couple of reps compared to the first try. I also feel like there's a wide disparity by dropping down to 405 and repping that, it'd be good to stay in the 500 range sometimes and make that a win.

SSB box squats
Work up to 290 x 5, 330 x 5

SSB walkouts and quarter squats
420 x 15

Came back in the evening and did two backwards hill sprints, some split-squats for knee health, and reverse crunches and planks

Monday, October 11, 2021

Benched 285x5 on Saturday and did my usual fasted workout in the morning Sunday. Got up to 60 burpees with one short 10ish second rest at the 50 mark. Lots of stretching on both days as well.

Practiced some shadow kickboxing today going along with a YouTube video in the background. 

Friday, October 8, 2021

 I'm falling behind on this due to my work schedule. I recently became manager at my first job again and coincidentally my work-from-home job has gotten much busier. The last two days I've trained while working on my phone, which is annoying as holy fuck but necessary.

Today especially was looking bad. I woke up 2 hours early and thought I'd have an excellent chance at knocking my squat session out and then clocking in for work. Nope, it was phone meetings practically non-stop until the afternoon. I managed to work-up to squatting 275 over a period of 2 hours doing this, eventually putting the boss on mute to get my sets in (he takes long pauses while he looks over things). By the time that mercifully ended I was hungry and cooled down, so I just went up to eat. Then I discovered that Amazon had dropped-off my groceries out on the street 5 minutes away so I walked over and picked them up pissed-off (they refunded my order so at least it was free food and all my bags were untouched). 

Reprepped for my workout and this time managed it undisturbed, although it sucked that I woke up early and ended up getting to it at 3pm.

Yukon bar squats
Up to 455x1
Strip-sets of 405x3, 315x8, 225x8, 135x8, 45x8

During this I fielded calls from my second boss asking when I could be at the office. I intentionally rested just a little longer because he was annoying me.

Finished it there and went to the office for a meeting, and will do hamstrings and abs at night when I have a friend over. My friends are all used to me doing shit like that lol.

That was quite a mishmash of thoughts and reflections, I'm feeling like lightning after that second cup of coffee despite not enough sleep.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Mat pulls (7)
570 x 0, 5
* Couldn't fire on first attempt, came back a minute later and focused on leg drive. Solid comeback. Trained hungry again, looking forward to dropping the mat count by one next week and seeing what I can do on a full stomach. 

405 x 13
* I'm standing on a decline so there's an extra factor of trying not to fall forward, which is murder on my calves. I think it's a good challenge but it might also be teaching me to deadlift too carefully instead of concentrating on ripping the bar.

Had a pressure headache after the mat pulls but now I feel extremely high energy and hyper. I'll be back in the evening to do box squats and abs.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Before breakfast today I did my usual fasted workout routine. 50 burpees, total time for everything was 18 minutes.

Had a near total rest day yesterday and feeling very refreshed. Still got in some stretches and a few minutes of shadowboxing. 
Yukon squatted 435x3 and benched 315x1. For my horizontal pressing I'm simply bringing in more bench pressing for the assistance work, nothing works better than that. Hit sets of 225-235 for 6-8 reps. 

Recently reviewed my squat videos from a year ago when I was repping 500 and I'm not sure some of those would have passed depth in a meet. I'm sinking in deep now.

That has been higher in carbs lately, I've been so rocked from soreness that my body just wants to eat. I weighed 194 yesterday in the morning. Basically zigzag dieting, sometimes I'm lowering carbs and then when my body is feeling rocked I eat more. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Axle push press
170 x 3
190 x 3
215 x 4
* In light of my recent string of poor performances I'm eating sooner after finishing breakfast. A stronger showing here than last week and to be honest I was still a little hungry going in so I'm going to cut the time down even more.

Axle press
145 x 3 x 8

Dumbbell press against bands, keg curls

All presses super-set with chin-ups
Felt under the weather yesterday. Mat pulled 570 for 3 reps off 7 mats, then deadlifted 405x13. In the evening I box squatted 275x2x8, did some split-squats, a 1:06 plank, and an uphill backwards run. 
Bench press
235 x 3
265 x 3
300 x 3
* My strength is at a low point but the 300 set was the easiest-feeling, at least. Another instance of warm-ups feeling heavy and the top set being breezy. What seemed to have happened is I lowered the poundages by switching to the Swiss bar and didn't retain what I could do with the straight bar due to losing so much weight. What I was using with the Swiss bar became the new norm. This has happened before when I've used previously successful methods while growing that ended up not panning out on a calorie deficit (50-rep goblet squats come to mind). Reinforces the notion that heavy weight is king in the absence of calories. 

Dumbbell press
115s x 7, 8, 6

Thursday, September 23, 2021

 Ran uphill backwards for one round last night, then two normal uphill sprints, followed by a roughly 20 minute jog. Stretched afterwards. That uphill run is quite a leg workout, it's a decently steep hill.

Experimented with eating less before bed, pretty much just my protein shake (no high fat meal alongside it). I also didn't sip protein throughout the night when I woke-up to use the bathroom because I have ZMA now and it doesn't play well with casein protein. Woke up ravenously hungry.

Also woke up very sore in my legs today, my calves moreso than normal probably thanks to the backwards uphill run. Did a lot of stretching, some reverse hypers, and used the massage gun. Got in two shadowkickboxing rounds after stretching, mostly going very light and fluidly (or as much as I could on these two dead weights attached to my pelvis).

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Hit the bag for 3 rounds last night (3:10 periods). Stretching afterwards. 

Yukon squats
315 x 5
365 x 5
410 x 6
Drop-down to 365x3
315 x 7
225, 135, 45 x 8
* Pretty much going as deep as possible with the width I'm standing, it's well below parallel. Happy to report this is the best my knees have felt squatting in a while.

SSB good mornings
60 x 20
150 x 10, 

Hanging leg raises

Ab wheel with mid-pauses

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Axle push press
160 x 5
180 x 5
205 x 4, 5
Last two sets super-set with with chins
8, 8

Axle press
140 x 8
Super-set with chins

Went to a Muay Thai class at AKA on Thursday. Really excellent session, left me little doubt in my mind I want to come here more. The coach that evening, Derrick Yuen, actually taught one of my other coaches at XMA, Payam, for his kickboxing fights back in the day. He's a great dude with a stoic patience about the way he teaches. Definitely not the loud OSU-type that wants to hype the class up. I appreciate both personalities.

Got told I'm not rotating my shoulders enough when I kick. Shoulder should block the jaw to some degree. Made an instant correction as soon as I was told this and he said good job.

Most of the session was teaming up with partners and going back and forth between a simple jab followed by a low kick. After enough of this, we took turns push-kicking and batting it away to change trajectory. Really basic stuff but I have never actually learned to parry a push-kick.

Reviewing the fundamentals with a live opponent was a welcome step back to shaking off rust and remembering what it's like to react to a moving target versus the endless bouts of heavy bag work and shadow boxing I've been doing during the pandemic, which by the way have served me extremely well. I could just tell I looked far more polished than the last time I stepped into a gym and I change directions much more fluidly and naturally now when shadowboxing as opposed to just facing the same way.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

 Mat pulls (8)
570 x 8
* 1 rest pause. I could have eked out more reps but my back has been hurting the past few days and I have Muay Thai tonight so I didn't want to soul drain myself. Felt very strong despite a stabbing headache once I went past 315.

SSB box squats
Up to 290 x 5, 330 x 5

Can't believe I didn't record what an epic cheat day I had yesterday. The day before I weighed 193 and the same time yesterday I weighed just over 200 lbs. I was in pain most of the day.

Bench press
Up to 285 x 5
* Well that sucks, but fuck it, I appreciate being humbled. I thought the Swiss bar would magically make my bench skyrocket up. Yeah, that worked a decade ago but I was also eating like it was my job, whereas here I'm down 7 lbs and the lightest I've been in 15 years. And honestly, back then it was probably more attributable to simply training for a period of time and growing period, bar type be damned. The feeling I have at this bodyweight is that the first few reps feel like an atom bomb and then my endurance just dies. It's a notably faster decline than it used to be.

Dumbbell press
115s x 7, 8, 7

All set super set with dumbbell rows of 115

Rear delts, curls

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

I have a Muay Thai appointment with AKA at 8pm on Thursday. They're requiring reservations this way.

The past two nights I took what most would consider a microdose of edibles in anticipation of having a movie night and instead got thoroughly absorbed watching YouTube videos about either Mike Tyson or 90s boxing in general for hours. One guy in particular apparently remastered a bunch of his VHS tapes and uploaded sublime footage that I couldn't turn away from. I might have known this way back in the day but I don't remember Hajime No Ippo's Smash special punch being a real move by Razor Ruddock (a name I know but haven't really watched much of beyond other boxers' highlight reels). It's really cool to witness, kinda like a shovel hook but with a straighter trajectory fired from the hip.

UPDATE: According to the Ippo Wiki they do indeed mention Ruddock in the anime, damn. I blame it on me not having been that much into 90s boxing before, with some exceptions (Tyson and Foreman).

Monday, September 13, 2021


Yukon squats
200, 250, 300 x 5
225 x 8, 8, 8
Last 4 sets super-set with banded leg curls
12, 15, 15, 15

Hanging leg raises
2 x 10

Woke up with my knees feeling a little achy (weird since I had a complete rest day Sunday). Did the session without any sleeves and felt totally pain free by the end of it. That reminds me, I gleamed an idea from both kneesovertoesguy and a boxing Instagram to do runs backwards uphill. My usual sprinting place will do the trick nicely. 
Saturday before I went to a pool party. Deload

Up to 185 x 5
Super-set with chins x 10

Axle press
130 x 7, 7
Super-set with chins x 10, 8

Double monster band chest press + dips
15 + 8
Super-set with wide grip pullups

Keg curls

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Did more YouTube shadow kickboxing yesterday and then went on a jog for about 35 minutes. Got kinda lost in the music and ran for longer than I expected to. 

I've been neglecting to mention that I'm stretching everyday and making really good progress on my flexibility. Kicking high is becoming easier. It's a constant back-and-forth battle between lifting and stretching.


Mat pulls (7)
315 x 5
405 x 3
500 x 3

Banded leg extensions
30, 30

SSB split-squats
60 x 5

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


Swiss bar bench
135, 185, 205 x 5

185 x 10, 10, 10
Super-set with T-bar rows
2 plates, 3 plates, 4 plates x 10

Standing Arnold press
50s x 11
Super-set with dips

T-bar rows
4 plates x 11

Keg curls
160 x 10

Rear-delt flyes
35s x 10

Whenever I train heavy I look forward to doing it and then am miserable in the session. When I deload I have to drag myself to do it and end up thinking "This is nice" during it.

Did some really good shadow kickboxing yesterday evening. Followed along with Sean Fagan doing it on a Thai beach via YouTube, just taking some cues from him but doing my own flow. In the middle of it my friend arrived with a big batch of homemade cinnamon rolls, and on top of that, it was 100 all day as I was working so I refreshed with a cold beer. Kept going with my boxing, though, I was finding my pattern way too nicely to stop. I'd say total time was 25 minutes.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Woke-up and did 4 minutes bike warm-up, 60 burpees, shadow kickboxing, 120 jumping-jacks, 1 minute burning out on the bike, and more kickboxing. Total time was 19 minutes.

I've been going straight to shadowboxing after those burpees to simulate fatigue in a fight. Similar to the breath restriction mask, I'm more after the psychological impact. That final round of kickboxing felt totally fresh in comparison despite not having any rest preceding it; instead, I'm recovering while working.

Great way to start the day before my work-at-home shift. 

Monday, September 6, 2021

Was doing my work-up sets for squats and I actually had to dump 430. First time I've ever failed squats at home, too. I've been thinking I'm due for a deload for awhile now and am taking this as a stronger sign, I've been feeling really beat-up all over.

The Yukon bar also poses a challenge when it's hot out because of its smooth knurling. It was 98 today, which isn't uncomfortable to me, but I had to keep chalking my shoulders up and sweat still made the bar feel like it's slipping. I'm wondering if my positioning was off and I wasn't firing my legs properly trying to keep it stationed. On the plus side, it was REALLY easy to drop behind me.

I'm thinking I might try swapping in the straight bar next cycle just because I'm really curious what the transfer feels like like.


Came by after work and finished this in 30 minutes. 

Back squat/front squat
Up to 225 x 10/10
Drop-down to 185 x 8/8

Good mornings
150 x 10, 10
Super-set with band leg curls (no counting)

Ab medley of 5 slow standing wheel rollouts, 20 sec plank, and 10 slow Swiss ball crunches

Thanks to Mythical Strength's ebook for the squat idea, although I've been thinking about trying some of that same stuff from his training log for awhile. Zero knee pain here by the way despite going without sleeves. 
Hit this Friday.

Mat pulls (8)
570 x 1
* The injury spot in my back that I thought had recovered started acting up so I shut this down. It's possible I might have been able to pull this off but better not to risk it. I think it's a good feeling to be hungry for more and carry that into the next try . 

Deadlifts (TnG)
405 x 15
* This is always a good fallback option. Not a PR but I'm lifting with mats under my feet lately so it's a tad deeper. Didn't need to grind anything out either, I'll hit that nice-sounding 20 when my back is all better. 10 years ago this was above my peak performance. I know that's a long time but it's so cool to be 30 lbs lighter and have this just be an accessory amount now. 

Came back later in the evening to do banded leg extensions and split squats. 

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Went on a 20 minute jog last night. Lately I've been wearing knee sleeves while I run to help out my knees. Feels stupid but effective. Even at what I consider a light weight I don't think a 197 lb person is supposed to run as much I like to but it's really therapeutic for me while I zone out to music. Guess it makes sense to protect my joints more than the average person.

Woke up today and did 5 minutes of bike warm-up, 55 no-rest burpees, shadowboxing, 100 jumping-jacks, and 2 minutes of bike burn-out. Total time was 15.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Swiss bar bench
275 x 6, 5
285 x 5
225 x 12
Super-set with Meadows rows
2 plates x 8, 8, 10
3 plates x 8
* Order out of chaos. Last night I wrenched my shoulder doing dynamic stretches and it hurt to raise my arm. Was still feeling it today so rather than try to continue and fail the cycle I'm on I switched to a favorite protocol of working up to 3x8 on a particular weight. I sometimes insert this after a 531 cycle just to change things up (modifications are bound to happen after 10 years) and periodize with a higher rep scheme than 5. Wasn't happening with 275, though. I got the hunch that my strength endurance is more hampered by the shoulder than anything so I reverted course and set-up 285 like I was supposed to. Mid-set of this as I grinded rep 4 up I realized many of my reps today have been very low down my body, almost like a decline bench, probably a subconscious measure to protect my shoulder. I pressed the final rep higher up on my chest and the weight practically fell over my head with how much easier that was. So I ended up getting the minimum reps I needed with a much tougher work-up journey despite a pissed shoulder.

Band-resisted Arnold press
50s x 8
50s without bands x 8
Super-set with T-bar rows
4 plates x 10, 10

Medley of chest flyes, rear-delt band raises, skull crushers, and keg curls

Monday, August 30, 2021

Tweaked my back doing good mornings today. Not a bad one but I feel it. Can walk fine thankfully, just am bending over gingerly.

Did Yukon squats up to 455x3 and log pressing over the weekend. Knees hurt again, but I adjusted my stance and they felt better. It seems like I start squatting narrow, this causes knee pain, I widen, and I feel better at the heaviest set, so I just need to squat at that width period. Ate a lot, including at this newish Chinese restaurant nearby that was some of the best I've ever had.

Oh, so I tweaked my aquarium and made some additions to it. Sitting on the floor watching it with my hand flat and supporting my body made my forearm tendon hurt. Pretty weird, better not do that. I can feel it today if I twist my arm, although I don't think it's set me back much or anything.

So my arm, knee, and back are hurting today. I might just be a lifter.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Weighed 198 in the morning. Going to make a decision about a new weight goal soon. If I can find a competition to enter, I'll lose. If nothing's coming up soon, I'll gain.

Swiss bar bench
250 x 5
285 x 3
317.5 x 1
250 x 8
225 x 10
Last 3 sets super-set with Meadows rows
2 plates x 8, 10
3 plates x 8

Close-grip Swiss bar bench
195 x 10
Super-set with Meadows rows
3 plates x 10

Dumbbell shoulder press against bands
50s x 10 - Dropdown to behind-the-neck barbell press x 8
Super-set with Meadows rows
3 plates x 10

Keg curls
170 x 10, 10

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Mat pulls (9)
570 x 8
* Resuming this again but starting at the top. Pleased with this. A little bit of forearm pain but no worse than it has been, will be monitoring it.

SSB split squats
110 x 8, 8

Called it here to go eat some food and then felt seriously tired after so I lay down and ended up taking an hour and a half nap. Went back to it at night.

Iron Woody banded leg extensions
15, 15, 15

SSB squat partials
330 x 15
405 x 20
* Just threw these in to get a quad pump as I worked up to suitable weight for squat walkouts.

SSB squat walkouts
510 x 10 secs

Monday, August 23, 2021

This was from Saturday.

170 x 5
190 x 0, 3
215 x 0, 1
145 x 9, 9
Last 3 sets paired with chins
10, 10
45 x 9

Band-resisted incline dumbbell press
50s x 12, 12
Super-set with chins
45 x 9, 10

Rest of the session was a flurry of super and giant sets

Man, rough pressing effort, but I still got the numbers done. That 215 was a total grind.

Ended up staying awake for 36 hours while hanging out at George's watching a marathon of kung-fu movies. I ate and hydrated impeccably so I felt really good at the end of it, and got lots of sunlight and outside air at the pool on Sunday.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Workout before breakfast of the bike, 50 burpees (no rest pauses this time), shadow kickboxing, the bike again, and finally lying reverse-hypers using a strong band attached to my couch (line because I was lying down and also because you probably wouldn't call this a reverse-hyper but the basic movement is the same).

I also did some shadow kickboxing last night.

Something significant to note, I've known for many years that I tend to habituate back to not extending my punches fully. After getting this advice again in a Muay Thai group I've been filming every shadow boxing session and I finally have it cut out on a consistent basis without trying. It really took memorizing the feel of my lats stretching out.

Looks like the air is going to be crap again today. The whole outside looks like sunset and the sun is blood red. Noticed my eyes feeling watery and irritated yesterday when I was out. I have my respirator if I feel like going on a run later. 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Didn't do any training yesterday due to social obligations the whole day with my friend and then the family. Can't remember the last time that happened but it's not a bad thing for recovery. Lots of outside eating but I dialed it back in at night with a low carb meal of tuna and veggies. I also meal-prepped and had my usual ground turkey with veggies and quinoa with me for some light snacking between meals. 

Yukon bar squats
330 x 5
380 x 5
435 x 5

Drop-down sets of 405x1, 315 x 8, 225 x 8, 135 x 8, 45 x 8

Band leg curls, ab wheel rollouts

Knees were hurting up until the heavy set. Could be adrenaline, the belt helping me sit back more, or just being sufficiently warmed-up (I already do a really extensive warm-up though). I discovered today that it helps to think of moderately dive-bombing into the descent instead of consciously trying to lower slowly. 

Air quality is pretty poor right now due to the fires. Not apocalyptic like last year but it's at 111. I have a thing where 100 and lower is OK for outdoor activity. I'd really like to leave the west coast within the next 5 years.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Swiss bar bench press
235 x 3
265 x 3
295 x 3
235 x 13
Super-set with supine-grip Meadows rows
45 x 8
90 x 5, 10
100 x 10
* Very strong performance on the bench. Weight shot up.

Close-grip Swiss bar bench
195 x 10, 9
Super-set with supine-grip Meadows rows
110 x 10
135 x 10

Band-resisted Arnold press
50s x 9 - Dropdown to 35s with no bands x 5
Giant-set with rear-delt lat raises
35s x 10
Keg curls
160 x 10, 10

Tried different ways to make the Meadows rows palatable to my forearm, but straps and Fat Gripz didn't feel as good as simply adopting an underhand grip. Tells me the bicep has probably nothing to with the problem. It's slowly getting better over time, in any case; just have to keep doing what I'm doing and train around the pain.

Brother is in town. Going to be fairly socially busy the next 32 hours: visiting a friend overnight tonight, going from there to work tomorrow, and from the office meeting my bro and older sister for dinner before we see Dad. Will probably do some Muay Thai practice before leaving tonight and I'm looking to go swimming at the hotel tomorrow.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Deadlifted 425x10 yesterday. Only moderate forearm pain afterwards if I stretch my arm out and twist. That sensation is gone today, just the usual tight feeling if I do the same.

Woke up today and did a fasted workout consisting of the bike, 50 burpees, 100 jumping-jacks, and shadow kickboxing. Total time was 15 min.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

I posted this picture in a Muay Thai group and with the understanding that I was merely copying the pose from Ong Bak and not trying to keep a tight guard or anything else, I got a good tip about keeping my toes curled tight (which I did) but UPwards. My coaches have always told me to flex my shins but not the direction of my toes.

Also on an unrelated post about roundhouse kicking: "This might be weird to try, but really try to pull with your standing leg. Not quite a jump, but more of a pull! Try it"

Just thought that was a good cue. Seems like thinking it will help with balance.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Worked the heavy bag for 3 rounds for 3 minutes each, then did 1 hill sprint followed by a 20 min jog last night.

Swiss bar bench
225 x 5
250 x 5
285 x 5
225 x 13
Last 2 sets super-set with dumbbell rows (unilateral)
100 x 10
115 x 9

Close-grip Swiss bar bench press
195 x 8, 7~drop-down to 155x5
Super-set with dumbbell rows (unilateral)
125 x 9, 10

Seated overhead dumbbell press against bands
50s x 7 ~ drop-down to without bands x 3
Giant set with rear-delt lat raises
Keg curls
160 x 10, 10

I totally meant to do Meadows rows today in light of his recent passing but I forgot. He definitely had an influence on me in the 2000s.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Had a good press day yesterday. Worked up to 200x3. I first got only 200x1 and that was a grind, but after narrowing my grip and really tensing up I felt like a completely different being on the retry.

Did deadlifts for the first time in a couple of weeks today. Worked up to 405x10 TNG and my forearm felt good with elbow sleeves on. Had to call it here to make it to work, but will return to do box squats and abs in the evening. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Woke up naturally after 5 hours of sleep.

SSB good mornings against heavy bands
60 x 8, 10
110 x 10, 10, 10

Band leg curls

Ab wheel rollouts

Bodyweight split squats and foot raises for knee health

I am really liking this habit of doing knee stuff the day after squats. Feels like I'm reinforcing them after the taxing work.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

 Schedule has gotten later as my first job's hours have been adjusted. Lately I've been busy at work during the day and then hitting the weights in the evening after I'm done with the second. I'm going to realign and wake-up early enough to lift before my first shift soon.

Yukon bar squats
345 x 3
395 x 3
445 x 3

Drop-down sets of 405x4, 315x8, 225x8, 135x8

Finished at 10pm so saving posterior-chain stuff and abs for tomorrow.

Swiss bar bench
245 x 5
280 x 3
315 x 1
245 x 10
Last 2 sets super-set with unilateral dumbbell rows
100 x 8
115 x 10

Close grip Swiss bar bench
190 x 10, 10
Super-set with uni dumbbell rows
125 x 8, 10

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Did some shadow kickboxing, 3 hill sprints, and a 20 minute jog last night.

Log press (clean once)
Worked up to 180 x 6, 7, 6
Super-set with wide-grip pull-ups and chin-ups x 10-15

Band chest press x 2 x 12


Fairly brisk workout before 2nd job. Coming back into log cleans cautiously, but forearm is holding up so far.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

 Both my back and my forearm are feeling much better. I can make my arm hurt if I stretch it out and then twist, but only marginally. I'm thinking give it another week and then have a deadlift day of up to 405 lbs to see how that feels.

Yesterday I Yukon squatted up to 420x5, essentially making good on my last attempt where I got 3 and had to rerack because of my back. Did drop-down sets after of 365x5, 315x8, and 225x8. 

Came back today and did some band-resistant good mornings and 5 slow reps on the ab wheel, pausing mid-way to do a nasty plank variant.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Had a good weekend visiting a friend in San Francisco, which always means a good amount of uphill walking. Random fact on that, last weekend I couldn't find where I parked my car and a local who was helping me kept getting out of breath and I had to keep waiting. They really put the perspective on what training does for you because I didn't even think twice about those hills being difficult. 

Swiss bar bench
230 x 3
260 x 3
295 x 3
230 x 12
* As has been the trend lately, the work upsets felt very heavy and then I absolutely crushed the final.

Close grip Swiss bar bench
190 x 10, 10
Super-set with T-bar rows
Up to 5 plates x 10-12

Dumbbell shoulder press against bands

Curls, rear-delt flyes

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Upon wake-up with only some casein protein in me:

3 minutes exercise bike warm-up
50 burpees
3 minutes shadow kickboxing
100 jumping-jacks
2 minutes bike burn-out

Missed recording some good sessions, probably because my back has been so bad lately and I don't sit-down at the computer if I can help it. As of today it's gotten quite a bit better. I've been throwing some good rehab at it. Main lift-wise, I hit 425x3 on the Yukon bar (would have hit 5 but I reracked when my back started feeling it) and a 190x5 press, which I fell short of a month ago.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Realized the other night while on edibles and thinking about my training that this sudden spurt of intense back pain isn't random - I injured myself doing those heavy good mornings and didn't even realize it. The pain only set-in once I was asleep.

Swiss bar bench
215 x 5
245 x 5
280 x 5
225 x 14
* Felt a bit weak on the lead-up sets and then absolutely crushed 280x5, with probably another in the tank. Really significant improvement using this bar. That 225x14 was more than I expected to muster, as well.

Close-grip swiss bar bench
185 x 10, 10
Super-set with T-bar rows
5 plates x 10, 10

Dumbbell shoulder press against bands
50s x 10
* Band snapped on rep 6, RIP. Finished the rest of the reps without.
Super-set with T-bar rows
5 plates x 10, 10

Keg curls
160 x 12, 12

Fun random note, right as I arrived at the club on Friday night I noticed the street dog vendor outside and asked him how late he'd be open. Had to secure a protein source before going in. I ended up eating one of those (I absolutely love them) and a veggie pizza slice in the end, and then an Orgain protein shake with some homemade fresh-ground organic black coffee I had saved in my car. I think I've gotten a rep for being a food diva when I party.

Friday, July 16, 2021

 Basically did a repeat of last week's log strict press workout, managing sets of 5, 7, and then 6. Came ever so close to a 7th on that last set. For some reason had major implement drift this time and had to fight the log quite a bit more in keeping it from going too far in front. Wonder if it's wearing running shoes this week versus proper lifting shoes last.

Back has been KILLING me in my sleep and all day today despite stretching, yoga, etc. I'll keep throwing everything I can at treating it. On the other hand, my forearm has been feeling a little better. It no longer hurts to throw a right straight. Keep using elbow sleeves and stay away from deadlifts for now.

I've been majorly busy with home improvement projects this week and didn't get around to going to AKA. I'm going to make sure I go next week. I feel the craving.

Going out to a show in SF tonight. Not sure if I'll be spending the night at a friend's but I'm eating big before and after, with it being SF and restaurants open all night.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

 Woke up and did 4 minutes on the bike to warm my knees up, 35 burpees, some shadowboxing, 2 minutes of fast biking at the 6 resistance, and 15 more burpees. Total workout time was 19 minutes.

Back is feeling a bit better. I found out that it makes a big difference doing some stretching and exercises like reverse crunches and reverse hypers right before bed. That way I'm not going to sleep with any kinks unaddressed that get exacerbated in my sleep. Woke up today not feeling like an old man, for the first time in a few days. 

It makes me wonder about chiropractors. I definitely believe your back can feel better by adjusting it, but how precise can you even be just by eyeing someone? By spinal adjustment I literally just mean stretching myself out and going against extension (hence reverse hypers and crunches), certainly not analyzing individual vertebrae or anything. I've always been skeptical about the practice while also remaining open-minded.

Got a light workout in later by sledgehammering a large shelf and moving debris and an old CRT TV. 

Got up to mat pulling 565x2 off 5 mats. Back has been in bad pain upon waking up lately and it had an affect here. The trend has been that it feels awful in the morning but stretches as well as reverse hyperextensions with bands throughout the day make it feel better, only for the cycle to repeat the next day. What's more, despite strapping up, my forearm really felt it on 315 and above. So I'm not going to be doing any pulls until it feels better. A tendon snapping is the last thing I need without health insurance.

Luckily the pain didn't linger and it felt back to "normal" after this.

Came back in the evening:

SSB good mornings
150 x 10
200 x 8
200 x 8 against bands
220 x 8 against bands
240 x 8 against bands (PR)
* Even without band resistance 240 is the most I've ever good morning'ed.

SSB box squats
Work up to 330 x 5

Xtremely deep (hamstring-to-calf) split-squats with 45 lb plate
8, 10


Had a moment after my shower where I stared at myself in the mirror and thought how I lived to fight another day and stay healthy instead of risking injury by pushing it on pulls. I take a lot of unmentioned calculated risks when I deem it wise to do so, and I didn't feel right about it today. I have no doubt I'll get stronger from good mornings anyways.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Swiss bar bench
245 x 5
275 x 3
310 x 1
245 x 9
* Donned elbow sleeves today as a part of my plan getting my forearm to heal. This was so easy I almost went for a second.

Close-grip bench press
185 x 9, 9

Band-resisted seated dumbbell shoulder press
50s x 10, 8
* Started out as Arnold presses and gradually shifted to just neutral hand-positioning to eke out more reps.

All presses super-set with T-bar rows varying from 3-5 plates x 8-10
* Used a strap on my injured side and it seemed to help. Grip work right now is a no-no, unfortunately. 

Barbell preacher curls
45 x 20

Forearm is actually feeling better after this workout. Lately I've been waking up to it in pain, which has been concerning. I can even feel it a little bit when I throw hard right straights.

Monday, July 12, 2021

 Yukon squatted up to 465 on Saturday, followed by the drop-down sets. This time I was able to get 405x5. I'm curious if this will amplify my numbers if I suddenly switch to straight bar squats like the Swiss bar does for benching. It's not as dramatic but I definitely have to work a little more to keep the Yukon bar balanced.

Right forearm still feels like crap, not getting better so far. Going to try doing wrist curls and hand-opening exercises with vegetable bands.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Miscalculated the log weight last week when reporting. The log is 90 lbs, not 80.

Log press from rack
Up to 180 x 6, 7, 5
As with a Swiss bar, getting much more proficient with the implement. Developing stabilization and nailing how to draw the implement back and into my body are key factors. Very good idea to go forth with this despite not being able to pull from the floor, just making very productive time learning the press portion. 
Super-set with neutral grip chins
10, 12
45 x 10

Band-resisted neutral grip dumbbell press
50s x 12, 12
Super-set with weighted neutral grip chins and keg curls
45 x 10
160 lb keg x 15

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Been trying to figure out how I can get back to a martial arts gym around my double job schedule, but it turns out AKA has Muay Thai classes 8pm. It's a little farther than my previous gym, which is only relevant because my car sucks, but eff it, I'm gonna go for it next week.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Swiss bar benched 290x3 the other day. I'm getting better with this thing. Also found that my pecs really felt it using the narrow grip on it, very hard to balance and I had to reduce the weight down to 185 to get a decent amount of reps in.

Mat pulls (6)
565 x 6 
Was hoping for a better showing, and tbh I got a little lost on the count and am only 90% sure that was 6 and not 5. Right forearm is hurting from this too, in the future do NOT double overhand the 405 when working up just because I can. Gripping that started the pain. Still, this is considerable weight being moved and I no longer have any days that my body refuses to budge the bar at all.

Called it here to get ready for my second work, will be back in the evening.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

 Typing that post about wishing I can use my log around my forearm injury gave me the weird idea to just use it to press from the rack. Worked up to 170 (just the log and a 45 on each side) for 2 sets of 5 and a third set for 6.

Hit a deep 440x3 squat set with the Yukon bar today, then did drop-sets of 405x3, 315x8, 225x8, 135x8, and finally just the bar x 8 before heading to work, resolving to do good mornings and abs in the evening.

Almost ordered a pizza at the office today from this bomb local joint but then remembered it's 4th of July weekend and I try not to patronize businesses near or on holidays. I have food here.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Just a couple of random notes but I didn't mention doing dumbbell overhead press seated with 50s against bands and I'm definitely bringing that movement in. I've missed using dumbbells on this movement with any considerable difficulty for years and band tension is the perfect answer until I get the right-sized dumbbells.

It also dawned on me that I'm doing a ton of boxing technique analysis through mostly Instagram tutorials but also some of YouTube, and I'm not breaking it down in my logs. That's a shame and something I'm going to do more of. 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Did a fasted workout of about 20 minutes on Sunday morning comprised of 50 burpees and shadowkickboxing. Went to the beach, had a great time and ate some seafood, then woke up the next day feeling like hell. Very nauseous and also exhausted despite 8 hours of sleep. Forced myself to lift in the evening and surprisingly had a good workout. Swiss bar bench pressed 275x5, which is what I was trying for when I first got this thing but has been eluding me since.

Then, yesterday I had a good mat pull session by repping 565x8 off 7 mats, with 1 rest pause.

In injury news, my right forearm feels worse than ever after carrying the beach cooler with that arm on Sunday. I was actually worried about deadlifting with it and risking a tear when I don't have medical insurance. It held up fine but it sucks I can't use my log right now. I am still entered in a NorCal powerlifting meet that never got rescheduled after lockdown delays but I should find a new powerlifting meet, as well as consider a refund for that one (it's been almost two years now and the date is still "TBD").

Thursday, June 24, 2021

190x 4, 4
Damn, couldn't get 5. It always feels great on the first few reps and I'm sure I'll get it, but then I can't lockout the last. Not happy with where my press has been at since getting under 200 lbs bodyweight. Going to try switching things up next week. Hoping my forearm feels better enough to log clean and axle clean soon.
Last two sets super-set with NG chins
10, 10

Press against bands
145 x 6 -> drop-down to no bands + 2 more reps
135 x 8, 8
Super-set with NG chins
45 x 10, 10
70 x 8

Incline dumbbell press against bands
50s x 12. 12. 10
Super-set with keg curls
165lbs x 10, 10

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

I hit a really strong Swiss bar bench of 305 on Monday. The weight shot-up so quick that I almost lost balance. Was expecting it to be more of a struggle. Did 235x3x7-8 super-set with rows after. Didn't go too crazy and kept it within an hour and 15 minutes because I had a club event in SF to go to, which was really fun. Felt the urge to get out after dealing with so much stress over the past week. Didn't have much to worry about recovery though, I had two full plates of Persian stews and saffron rice along with wheat toast before leaving, a protein shake on the drive over as well as before bed, got enough sleep, and woke-up feeling totally fresh and ready to train while everyone else I saw online was complaining about feeling bad and needing to drink less in their 30s. On that note, I tried one of the signature drinks being advertised at the club, gave it to someone else because it was like drinking candy, and ordered one with grapefruit juice and then cranberry juice instead. Not even a fitness choice, I just hate drinks that sweet and if I'm putting poison in my body it's nice to at least get some vitamins in with it.

Had another good session today doing squats:

Yukon squats
Up to 415x5
Drop-down to 365x5, 315x8, 225x8, 135x8, 50x8

Confession, I'm being lazy and just treating the Yukon as a straight bar with the weight calculations even though it's closer to 50 lbs. But hey, the round-down is to my disadvantage spec-wise so I'm not cheating.

Will return after 2nd job to do good mornings and abs.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

So my toe got worse before getting better today. Could barely walk yesterday. Forced myself to do sets of 20 with 150 on the SSB, standing on the outside "blade" of my injured foot. Made do but I could see how continuing that will develop its own set of foot pain problems. Tried to go to the park in the evening but couldn't make it too far past where I parked so I just sat down on a bench nearby.

Ordered an orthopedic boot that's supposed to arrive today but I'm much better and can walk without a limp. Still some swelling but it seems to be on the upswing. Came back for a second leg session. 

SSB box squats
335 x 3 x 5

Good mornings
150 x 10
200 x 8

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Did some shadowboxing last night, working around my injured foot. Really wish I could go running already.

Swapped out press with incline bench to avoid applying pressure on it.

Incline Swiss bar bench
Up to 205 x 7, 7 ,7, 7
Super-set with dumbbell rows
115s x 9, 9, 9, 9

Incline band-resisted dumbbell press
50s x 12, 12
Super-set with rear-delt flyes
35s x 15, 15

Keg curls
160 x 10, 12

Band curls

It's 100 today but I realized while driving to work in my no-AC car in a tanktop that it's not the heat that bothers me (unless I'm trying to sleep), it's wearing full clothes and being irritated at being a sweaty mess when attempting to look presentable for work. Being in a hot car is like being in a slightly-cooler Muay Thai gym where you don't get hit, that's pretty nice.

The old man is mobile and looking pretty good, continuous bad habits aside (smoking). Glad he's home.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Woke up and did 60 burpees (PR), exercise biking, and some shadowboxing. Somehow I messed up my right big toe yesterday and I can't bend or put any pressure on it, so I also gingerly practiced various high kicks back and forth across the living room. Total time was about 20 minutes. 

Work was dead so I had a ton of free time to do more training in the afternoon but a carpet cleaner who's over took up all my space and time. The old man is also getting out of the hospital today, which I'm grateful for.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Mat pulls (8)
565 x 8
* Not only did this come easier than last week but I didn't need to rest-pause this time. After a rough and hectic week it was nice to win one. Felt my mind being distracted as I bent down to set-up and told myself "You're either going to get it or you're not, don't even think." Seriously, screw psyche-outs in training.

Belt squats
6 plates x 8
9 plates x 8, 10

Will do unilateral leg work and abs later after getting home from the hospital. Distractions prolonged this session including work-from-home and meeting with a carpet cleaner.


Swiss bar bench
225 x 3 
255 x 3
282.5 x 2, 1, 2
287.5 x 2, 2.5
230 x 8
Super-set with dumbbell rows
50s x 8, 5, 5, 5
115s x 8, 8
* Didn't realize I forgot a 5 on one side, I was wondering why the weight disposition was throwing off my groove. Noticing this after three tries and feeling hungry, I took a short break to eat a slice of Dave's Killer Bread, a small cup of tomato parmesan soup, and a slice of cheesecake. Came back and got a 2, then baaaaarely didn't lockout for a last attempt at 3. I was able to get it just up enough to re-rack but it was as close to failing as possible. Bit of a chaotic group of sets but all those heavy lifts was good training for next time. The adrenaline dump after was crazy. 

Came back later at night after the hospital visit and did some tricep extensions, curls, and behind-the-neck bar presses.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Just came back from a roughly 30 minute night jog, only training I did today but I needed it.

Going through a rough time regarding my dad's health, he stayed in the hospital overnight yesterday and I visited him today. Did the bare minimum of training the past few days. Pressed 210x1 and also push-pressed it for 4, which was better than I expected. And yesterday I straight bar squatted 405 for 7, 8, and 6 across 3 sets. I should have waited an extra day to recover, my back and abs were the weak link from still being sore.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Woke-up and did a few minutes on the bike, 55 burpees (PR), some shadow kickboxing, and finished off with a more intense bike session. Total time: 17 minutes

Work day at home was real busy after this but managed to get in 1 round of 3 minutes on the heavy bag and 1 hill sprint, along with some shadow kickboxing.  

I haven't reported some injuries I'm dealing with. Left hamstring has been pissy for a few months now. It doesn't hamper lifting but I can feel it when I sprint uphill and it prevents me from kicking high. And a muscle near my right elbow as been in pretty bad pain since my first session of Poundstone curls (actually I did mention this before come to think of it). That prevents me from using my log, or doing any kind of clean really. 

Despite eating monstrously over the weekend, and plenty of days prior where I ate sweets when I didn't need to, I'm still looking lean. My strategy of "don't be a complete asshole with your diet and train a lot" works.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Mat pulls (9)
565 x 8
Initially did 7, stood-up, then immediately thought I could get another so I quickly re-wrapped and grinded up an 8th. I'm counting it, I've rest-paused on the ground much longer than that.

ATG SSB squats
Worked-up to 240, 290 x 8

Alternating SSB lunges
150 x 16
Did these after deloading the bar from the squats and proceeding without rest.

Deep Bulgarian split-squats
45 lb plate x 8 each side
Just some knee prehab.

Slow ab wheel reps
5, 5
Pausing at the hardest point is always killer, makes planks feel like a vacation in comparison.

Ate extremely well on the trip, although I started running out of food on Sunday. Nothing dire but had to use a naaaasty meal-replacement carton shake before bed rather than just a straight protein shake. The two Chipotle orders I brought with me were life-savers, and I ate big at every restaurant we went to. The hotel was above a pub so good food was never far away during the day (ordered their amazing lobster bake on two separate occasions). Final meal was a massive feast at the best Indian restaurant I've ever been to. My efforts paid off as I felt fantastic throughout the weekend despite drinking and sometimes getting 6 hours of sleep.


Swiss bar bench
185 x 5
225 x 5
270 x 4, 5
225 x 8, 10, 10
Super-set with Dumbbell rows
115s x 8, 10, 10, 10

Arnold press
50s x 10
Giant -set with rear-delt flyes and Swiss bar band-resisted curls

Band curls

Friday, June 4, 2021

Currently in Half Moon Bay for George's birthday trip over the weekend. Since this is a blog here's a pic while I wait for George to check-in:

Got in a fasted workout consisting of 50 burpees and some shadow kickboxing before breakfast today. 

I prepared well for this weekend and the partying. Organic protein shakes, protein bars, canned tuna, and pistachios are my snacks, along with my multivitamins. Also pre-made a big thermos of organic cran and grapefruit juice with vodka, which always leaves me feeling great after a night of drinking (after Halloween last year I hit a deadlift PR the next day and my friend was astonished I was even able to workout). To top it all off, stopped at Chipotle and got a burrito and a burrito bowl with double meat and guacamole so I have easy access to food in the room. Not worrying about low-carb dieting right now, I trained hard this week and I'm going to need decent calories while out of town. 

Also going to make myself so some stretches every day, my back has been killing me. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Squatted up to 450x1 with the Yukon bar, and then did drop-down sets of 365x5, 315x8, 225x8, 135x8, and 45x8. Similar to what I did with the straight bar but much deeper reps on the top few sets. 


155 x 3
175 x 3
197.5 x 3
Last set super-set with NG chins x 10

Push press
197.5 x 4

155 x 7, 8, 8
Super-set with NG chins x 10, 10, 45lbs x 10
Taking a break from the cleans, my right forearm has been feeling nasty for a few weeks now. I think I strained something from one of the early times I did Poundstone curls.

Band-resisted incline dumbbell press
50s x 10, 10, 10
Super-set with NG chins x 45lbs x 10, 10

Keg curls
165 x 12, 12

Going on a trip to Half Moon Bay tomorrow for George's birthday over the weekend, going to actually bring some food with me instead of relying on outside food and protein shakes.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Swiss bar bench
235 x 5
265 x 3
300 x 1
225 x 3 x 8, 9, 9
Wielding this is getting easier. Thought I might have had another 300 in me.

Kroc rows
160 x 21 

Dumbbell rows (super-set with bench sets)
115 x 8, 9, 9

Swiss bar tricep extensions
45 x 10, 10
Extreme stretch on these, actually made it pretty challenging.
Swiss bar curls
45 x 15
Against bands 45 x 10
Liked the banded set, gonna do that more.

Feeling a bit better today, don't feel like I desperately need a nap.

 Felt really run-down yesterday. Despite getting enough sleep I woke-up in a fog and had to take a nap after work. Set-out to do a deadlift max of 615 and didn't budge it, then tried to do 500x8 and could only get a single rep. Knocked out 405x15 after, which is a light-enough weight to not need my brain firing on all cylinders. Happy to have gotten that done, then did some ATG SSB squats with 240x2x10.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

145 x 5
170 x 5
185 x 5
Last set super-set with NG chin-ups
Ugh, hate seeing my top-set be so low, but I was struggling before this reset. Press is always the roughest when losing weight. Read a recent T-Nation article reminding me that a lot of it comes from losing cushioning as fat and fluid retention dissipates, and it's not necessarily the muscles being so drastically weakened. This felt like a stronger showing than the rough 190x3 I gutted out last week, as well. But fuck that reasoning, this is weak and I need to get stronger.

Axle press
140 x 2 x 8 (clean every rep)
150 x 9 (clean once and press away)

Super-set with NG chin-ups
45 x 10
90 x 9

Did this while juggling work-from-home meetings and office tasks on my phone, managed to get through it in 2 hours which isn't as horrible as it could have been. Going to do some pump-bro accessory work in the evening after my in-person job when I can be free from distractions.

Now that I'm fully vaccinated I'm also in the market for a boxing or Muay Thai gym again, have a few in mind to hit-up. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

 Yukon squats
335 x 3
380 x 3
435 x 2, 3
Drop-down sets of 365 x 5, 315 x 6, 225 x 8, 135 x 8, 45 x 8

Iron Woody leg curls

Getting the hang of this bar. More of a feeling like it's going to slide down my back than the straight bar.

Going this low in bar weight has also allowed me to deepen my squats. I noticed before they were getting high to the point where I wasn't confident a judge would pass them. I'm probably overdoing it now by going below parallel, but that's OK.

Diet has been pretty strict, although I had a cheat day on Sunday. Brother was visiting on Saturday night so I had a pizza feast with family then, too.

Saturday, May 22, 2021


Up to 550x5

Belt squats
6 plates, 8 plates, 9 plates x 10

SSB lunges

Split-squats for knee rehab

Knees have been feeling muuuch better since squatting deeper and doing some rehab exercises (extremely deep bodyweight split-squats).

Been pretty strict with my diet this week, going low carb except peri-workout for the most part.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Been having gnarly stomach issues the last few days. Eating has been rough but I've been forcing it down. Have also not been feeling like I'd get enough rest when I wake up even though it's 6-7 hours.

Yesterday took the Yukon bar for a spin working up to 405x5 of deep squats.

Up to 190x3
Last set super-set with neutral grip chin-ups

Axle press
140x8 (clean every rep)
140x8 (clean first 5 reps)
140x8 (clean first rep)
All super-set with neutral grip chin-ups

Monday, May 10, 2021

Got my second COVID shot on Saturday. Yesterday was the sickest I've probably ever been in my life. At one point I felt myself about to pass out while taking a leak so I had to rush to my bed and then gradually work my way up to being able to leave the room. Gnarly. Feeling a lot better today although a still little tired after 9 hours of sleep. 

Before I got hit I managed to get in a session with a Swiss bar, working up to a 265x5 bench.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Worked up to squatting 375 and then felt a sharp pain in my left knee. Shut the session down after this.

Warm up wasn't great and I was resting long between sets because work was so insanely busy. Planning on doing a full body workout with SSB box squats tomorrow and sets of five with the Swiss bar before getting my second COVID vaccine. Frustrating when I was looking for a satisfying squat workout to be the payoff for making it through an annoying work day, oh well. 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Worked up to a 355 bench press last night. Glad to be at that level after I failed 365 not too long ago. Wanted to get a heavy bench single in before I start training with the Swiss bar more. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Trained 3 times yesterday, starting with a fasted session first thing in the morning consisting of 5 min on the bike, 45 burpees, 100 jumping-jacks, 3 min shadow kickboxing, and a quick burn-out on the bike again. Don't remember the total time.

Did bag work and jogging the rest of the day. 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Fallen behind on this, just going to start up again instead of trying to be perfect and wait for an opportune moment to have time and recollect everything. 

Mat pulls (2)
550 x 5
* Fuck yeah, felt sluggish this whole session and every rep of this was a slow one, but I remembered to use my legs and just keep grinding the bar up. The last rep took a long time to complete so I didn't bother trying to rest-pause and get another. Really glad at how consistent my performance has been on this mat pull cycle, no days where I've been unable to break the bar off the ground. Had a headache and watery eyes after, the tears were a new thing.

SSB ATG squats
240 x 8, 10, 10

Tibialis raises x random number
* Got this exercise from kneesovertoesguy for knee health. Still working on th set-up.

In other news, I put in an order for a Swiss bar and a buffalo (Yukon) bar, both from Titan. Looking forward to benching with the Swiss bar, for some reason that thing makes going back to a regular barbell feel amazing. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Had a friend over yesterday when I needed to get my mat pull session in. Historically I find that friend workouts can be distracting, but this was really productive. I put earbuds in for the max set, which I'm going to do everytime a guest is with me because it makes all the difference in getting me into my own place and exerting a full effort. Mat pulled 550x6 (1 rest pause) off 3 mats.

My knees have been hurting so I'm taking a break from belt squats. They might not actually be the sole culprit, it could just be parallel squatting in general. I heard about this Instagram dude "kneesovertoesguy" who specializes in exercises for healthy knees and it gave me a reminder to do deep squats for them, so I did 200-220 lb SSB ATG squats after the deads. And I swear this was the first night in awhile that my knee pain didn't flare up. I also felt some achiness on the first few reps of the squats and that went away quick. Had my heels propped up on patio tiles with 10 lb plates underneath while doing so. Going to keep these up, I definitely feel better after doing them.

Monday, April 19, 2021

This entry is going to be a bit scattered because I'm using voice narration to record this at 10:00 p.m. as I eat dinner about an hour and a half before bed and about 30 minutes after I finished an eye-bulging squat session. I saved my training for after work since I only had one job today, but I honestly didn't hustle as much as I should have due to being so busy during my 9 working-hours and honestly feeling kind of chill when I finally clocked out.

Squatted up to 490x1 and then realized I didn't have my belt on. Hey, that's a PR without a belt. Holy shit did it feel different. My waist is really thin now It was my core that was the weakest link. My legs handled the weight fine, experience knee pain today but I figured out the belt squats are really doing that. Going to take a break from them. Going deeper with them would help a lot too, going to figure that out.

Belted up and hit 490x4. Probably had a 5th in me but my back started getting pumped and fatigued so I called it. I'm pretty happy with this. Progressing my squat the way I have while losing weight and going down below 200? Can't complain.

Did the drop-down sets and hit 405x5 while fighting the urge to crumple over, I never used to be able to hit that after a max 5. Couldn't do more than 315x5 though without my back yelling at me so I stopped there and did the usual 225, 135, and 45 x 8. Honestly even 135 was hard on my back. To be clear there's no pain and nothing was tweaked.

Did a bunch of leg curls with the purple band (I think it's the equivalent of an elite FTS monster). Really have no good option but to pop a 10mg edible to calm me down for bedtime. I also take melatonin in cases like this to counter eating carbs before bed which I hear reduce the body's natural production of it. 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Wow, weighed 195 in the morning.

Mat pulls (4)
550 x 6

Belt squats
6 plates x 10
8 plates x 6 (got interrupted by a call from my boss)
9 plates x 10

SSB lunges
150 x 24

Not mindblowing but much better than last week's attempt, I was happy about this. Tried to eke out more reps by rest-pausing and my back just felt too fatigued, I couldn't budge the bar.

Did a lot of stretching and massaging via a massage gun on my back yesterday, it paid off today because it felt good. Do more of that.

  I haven't been posting about every night training session, but yeah, it's been nightly. It's my way of coping with two jobs, I don't even see it as a chore (unlike lifting). I come home and typically hit 3-5 rounds on the bag and then go for a jog while zoning out to music. I actually have to force myself to cut the running short in the interest of making it to bed on time. It's really the music that makes it addicting, I enjoy it more when I'm doing something physical. The only bad part is I like to microdose edibles doing it and that's bad for the wallet, but otherwise it's a good habit and it releases energy accrued during the day. Not to be on a high horse because I have a ton of my own shortcomings, but I don't understand how people can work in offices and not workout. Where does their energy go?

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Hit a simple squat workout of 430x3x8 on Monday, which I'm really pleased about. First set felt a little miserable and then the last set felt LIGHT.


Bench press
245x12 (super-set with dumbbell rows of 115x9)
* Ugh, that's some bad regression. Had a "wtf" moment when I felt how heavy 275 was. Should be noted that my traps and real delts are sore from farmers' walks I did the day before yesterday. Not going to chalk it up to that but it's something to note. 
* Attempted first set last but miscounted like a meathead and had it 10 lbs heavier.

Decline bench press
245 x 8, 8
Super-set with dumbbell rows
115s x 9, 9

Didn't record the rest due to work and moving so fast between sets.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Hit 205x3 in the axle press yesterday. Moved at a really good clip for the rest of the session and finished in a little over an hour. Going to aim to do that more.

Felt lousy waking up today. Kept waking up in my sleep and had stomach issues. Thought about skipping my fasted workout, which usually prompts me to do it even more.

5 minutes at level 4 on the exercise bike
40 burpees
5 minutes shadow kickboxing
1 minute of hook duck hook drill
2 minutes at level 5 burning out on the exercise bike

Unfortunately I forgot the time that I started so I don't have a precise runtime. Somewhere around 15 minutes.

Seriously surprised at how easy burpees become just from doing them. Used to feel tired at 20. 

The hook drill is something I got from Instagram. It's real simple, left hook, duck, right hook, repeat nonstop. I think I explained it before in a post recently now that I remember. But yeah, really liking Instagram for boxing tips. 

Feeling way better after working out and getting breakfast (2 eggs, some cartoned egg whites, smoked salmon, strawberries, two mini Kodiak protein pancakes drizzled with maple syrup, a latte, and about half a scoop of whey protein). 

Friday, April 9, 2021

 Yesterday was a bit of a mess. Woke up at 6:40 and got ready to train, but due to workload and phone meetings I didn't actually get to even pulling 315 until 2pm. Ate a big breakfast that got wasted as I got caught up in work tasks. Tried to keep the fullness extended by munching on bananas, some Girl Scout cookies, and taking some protein, but I really needed to table plans and just eat a full meal because I was hungry by the time I got to lift anything. Felt unfocused, too. Got up to 550x3 and then another 3 reps mat pulling off 4 mats. 

Went to my second job at this point and then realized my back was tweaked on my left side and was progressively feeling worse. Didn't get too bad luckily, just some pain when bending. Came home from job 2 and banged out 405x10 with no warm-up (TNG) and then did belt squats and SSB lunges (150 x 20). Definitely a punch-the-clock evening.

Now that I'm physically in the office, where I'm primed to sit down and focus on work, my work load is light and I have a ton of down time. Oh well, things being inconvenient make the gains better.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Finished off yesterday after work with 3 hard rounds on the heavy bag followed by a run. Was planning on not taking any edibles this whole week but found out I have to work in-person at both jobs so I took 13 mg (which is quite a bit for me, I rarely go above 7) to ensure I fell asleep early. I did, but got woken up by a really cute mourning dove cooing outside my window. Got about 7.5 hours and feeling good.

I've really upped my coffee game lately. Got rid of my old Mr. Coffee machine, partially out of concern about drinking hot coffee filtered through plastic every day, and am using a ceramic pour-over method with freshly ground beans and filtered water. I do taste a difference, but it's not major. It also takes a little longer but it's still very easy to make. Worthy trade-off for going plastic-free.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

A few hours later at my leg is fine. Practiced some hard shadowboxing in the yard. Instagram has been a boon for getting drill and combo ideas in a quick format. YouTube tutorials are great but they're a little more involved with lengthy intros and the commentary. I like Instagram because I can see a 5 second tutorial clip and instantly get it. This was simply throwing a left hook, ducking, right, repeat.
Had my fasted workout interrupted by some crazy thigh pain. Wasn't sure if I pulled something or if it was just awakening DOMS from those SSB squats, but I stopped at rep 13 of burpees out of concern. At this point I had done 8 minutes of the exercise bike and burpees. Took a break here to walk around and do some chores like water my plants, assessing my leg. Went back to about 5 more combined minutes of the exercise bike and light shadow kickboxing. It just feels like really bad soreness but some injuries start off that way except the soreness never goes away, so I'll be taking it easy on my legs today. Planning on hitting the heavy bag later.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

SSB squats
410 x 5, 5
415 x 5
Last set done with a set of 15-rep hise shrugs at the end.

Banded SSB good mornings
110 x 12, 12

I'm liking these 2-week breaks ("breaks") using the SSB bar. The load isn't that heavy but it feels like a different kind of hell with the nature of the bar. It's not something I want to run for long in any consecutive manner since my straight bar sessions are so much higher and I don't want that to regress if I can help it.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Did 4 hill sprints last night and a jog.

Axle press
Up to 195 x 5
* Was curious to see how this would fare after the log training. It...was the same. 

Band-resisted axle press
140 x 8, 7
Super-set with chin-ups
10, 14

Got a work call from my boss here and had a 20-30 min phone meeting.

Band-resisted incline axle bench
180 x 9
190 x 8
Super-set with weighted chin-ups
50 x 10
50 x 8 and then bodyweight chins x 5

Chest flyes, curls

Crazy busy day again. Got asked to come in-person tomorrow, thankfully I'm off from my old job then and won't have to work 12 hours.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Mat pulls (5)
550 x 8 (2 rest pauses)
Honestly was hoping for more than 6 non-rested reps just for the sake of surpassing my old numbers but this isn't bad either (and I was heavier then). Same deal as last week, the weight felt light and then my back just tired out and felt pumped. Took my shirt off due to the heat and belt was loose. Also worth noting that I've been remarkably consistent in my performance since reinventing how I think about leg drive, haven't had a missed rep in awhile.

Belt squats
5 plates, 8, 9 x 10 reps

Banded leg extensions
Put these in as a break from heavy lunges. Left hip is a little achy lately.

Very busy work day, including an in-person meeting with a contractor from a water company - luckily it was 5 min away from home. I literally finished up this workout and then was meeting the guy 15 minutes later, my eyes may have been a bit bloodshot. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

 Did 3 easy rounds on the heavy bag yesterday.

Today was a fasted workout again comprised of biking, 36 burpees, shadowkickboxing, some jumping-jacks, and finishing off on the bike. Total time was 25 minutes. Taking an extra day off from the weights to allow my back to recover before pull day after log pressing and then helping with the move.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Came back after work last night and did some log pressing. The pain in my arm is getting better. Dropping the weight and using a hard hip thrust to roll the log up is making a difference over time. My arms still feel beat up the day after log pressing but that feels like normal wear and tear, whereas this infliction actually felt deleterious and a sign to check my form. I'm now a stronger log presser for it; truly, the gift of injury.

Going to help a friend move today. Just did a fasted morning workout for 20 minutes. 5 minutes on the bike, 35 burpees, shadow kickboxing, and finishing off with 6 hard minutes on the bike at a higher resistance level.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Repeated the mat pressing, pretty much the same deal as last Saturday. Worked up to 315x3, 315x4, and 315x4. Afterwards, I benched 275x5 and immediately dropped down to 225x5. Those bench sets were really all I could do honestly, I'm stunned at how much of a triceps killer the partial presses have been. I could experiment with doing ROM progression this way and then gauge how my bench press is affected by that. All sets were super-setted with T-bar rows.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Did three rounds on the bag yesterday, went pretty easy on it too besides some flashes of explosiveness here and there.

SSB squats
Up to 400 x 7, 8, 8
*Was planning on doing 410 when I saw I only did 400x3x5 last time, not sets of 8 like I thought. And shit this was tough. The last rep of the last set was the closest my back has come to just outright collapsing but still getting it up (I failed once or twice in a power rack with safety bars in the Portland gym years back). I basically had to good morning it partially up. No injury or anything, guess all those mat pulls have done me good. I say that and then I'll probably injure my back warming up with 225 or something soon, that's usually how it goes.

I should explain that because I don't deload on a strict schedule anymore I'm breaking up my 3-week mesocycles with some squat variations. I think maxing out close to 550 every three weeks is just a bad idea, especially on a calorie deficit. I was grappling with this because the golden rule is to not mess with a successful formula but then I remembered I've already been doing this anyway, either with the SSB bar or sets of 8 with a straight bar.

Finished off with a bunch of band leg curls.