Thursday, January 7, 2021

Came back to finish the fight.

Bench press
Up to 275 x 7, 6
225 x 13
Super-set with pull-ups of 12-14 reps

Axle clean and press away
150 x 8
130 x 12
Super-set with chins of 15, 15

Tricep pressdowns, curls, band pull-aparts

Chest and shoulders were sore from fighting 345 yesterday, so didn't hit the 3 sets of 8 I was expecting, but I feel like I did something productive. 

Watched Pumping Iron with a friend before this. Never gets old. I also can't stop showing people the Westside vs the World trailer. It's fun to show the fucked up side of the lifter world.

 Weird training day. Worked up my bench press sets and felt incredibly strong, then got pinned under 345 trying to hit that for 3 (only got 1). After retiring to bed I slept 7 hours straight without a pee break which never happens so there's some recovery thing going on with me. I'm going to return today after work and do some working sets with around 275 and get some volume in.