Broke out the safety squat bar on Monday night and did 3 sets of 310 for 8 reps, super-setting reverse-hyper sets for 12, 15, and 20 reps with 250 lbs.
Since then, while waking-up to use the restroom at night, I've noticed my back hurting, but that became much better after turning over to sleep on my back while stretching my legs and back out and into the mattress to decompress.
While I've increased using the reverse-hyper to good results recently, I haven't been stretching my hips and legs as much lately, which has been another piece to the pain-reduction puzzle. Going to make sure I do this after boxing, either at the gym or when I get home.
Boxing yesterday was combo-heavy mitt work with a partner the whole session. Got a decent sweat going but was definitely a conditioning break compared to last week. Also got a new jump-rope after my old Everlast one got stolen (I'll have to check but it may have gotten hung-up in the other room at my gym, being mistaken for gym equipment). This one is easier to use because the handles are more ergonomic and easier to hold. Coming from strongman, though, I see value in awkward training equipment, but I had almost no missed skips in the 3-minute rounds we skipped rope for with the new rope so getting into a training zone with it was a good feeling.