Monday, June 12, 2023

Block press
285 x 8, 8, 8, 7 -> drop-down to 225 x 8
Super-set with unilateral dumbbell rows 
115 x 10
125 x 3 x 10

First time in 4 months I was able to complete an upper-body workout with no elbow sleeves. Elbow has become a lot better.

Giant set:
Swiss bar skullcrushers: 45 x 20
Iron Woody band pressdowns: 20
Poundstone curls x 120 (PR)

Yes, I'm recording a PR for curls. I'd do it again, too.

Later, went on a short but fairly intense uphill hike on a mountain dotted with cows, and then used the ab wheel at night for 5 slow reps for 3 sets, followed by a 1:35 plank.

Did a bench press workout yesterday, hit good numbers but felt like the weight seemed heavier than normal, chalked it up to my body recovering from an insanely physical moshpit on Friday...and then suddenly remembered oh yeah, I did a quick press workout on Saturday I completely forgot about! So to progress on my bench numbers after having trained the same muscle groups the day before is rad.

So yeah, went to a metal show Friday and spent most of my time in the pit. Actually got fairly sore from tanking blows to my body, which felt no worse than minor muscle soreness from a workout, but fell on my knees at one point before springing right back up and those hurt the worst the next day, though again nothing serious. Feasted on buffalo wings afterwards before driving back home.

Saturday's workout:

5 axle thrusters with 110 lbs
5 pull-ups
5 rounds in 3 minutes

50 push-ups