Monday, January 28, 2019

Mat pulls (7)
535 x 8
*Came home after work and went to work on leveling the ground with a shovel. silly of me not to do this sooner. Had no issues with the barbell falling off the mats. Was actually able to do a max effort for once, although I didn't rest pause. Watched a clip of the new DBZ Broly movie that's currently in theaters to get me angry before the set.

Box squats
330 x 3 x 5

Swiss ball leg curls


Crush grippers

Also did various neck crunches
Weighed 192.4 with sweater and pants on first thing in the morning. Right arm has been growing so that's lighter than I thought I'd be, but cool. I can gain a little weight before the April meeting, which I think is an ideal situation to be in.

Bench press
200, 230 x 5
260 x 8
230 x 8, 8, 8
Notes: Sore shoulders from sparring. Was unsure about the feasibility of 8 so I donned a mouth guard and took my sweater off. Not too hard. was going to do first set last and forgot, but if I'm doing the same lift for assistance work then I can probably bear to skip it.
Super-set with dumbbell rows
80 x 8
115(L)/100(R) x 8, 8, 8, 8
