Lifted outside Sunday during the worst of a bad storm. There was a weather advisory to not drive, but they didn't mention anything about deadlifts.
Sumo deadlifts
505 x 3
Romanian deadlifts:
365 x 2 x 8
SSB squats
240 x 2 x 8
Notes: Left hip is pissy at me.
Kroc rows
125 x 25
Dumbbell curls: 35s x 10
Supet-set with kettlebell hammer curls: 15s x 15
I've lifted in the rain before but the wind speed was a new challenge. It meant that there was no dry spot, even under the balcony. Definitely the stormiest I've ever lifted in.
Had a vet appointment for my panther right after this and while I was gone the power went out. Luckily, it came back on about 4 hours later.
Got in a 3-min round of rope skipping and another 3 min of shadowboxing this morning before work.