Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Bench press
260 x 5
295 x 3
330 x 0, 2
260 x 8
Last set super-set with dumbbell rows
115 x 10
* On the first attempt at 330 I didn't even go for it and react based on how heavy it felt. Took a break to assess whether I should go for it and then tried again. Literally said "Holy shit" as I reracked because I was blown away how 295 felt heavy and 330 felt like nothing. 

Called it here to go to work. 
Had a fun but hectic New Year's weekend extending into Monday with a work dinner. Sensing a crazy schedule, I did a light but fast-paced full body workout on Friday. Intensity wasn't off the chart as I was battling illness that incentivize me to get tested for COVID, which was negative thankfully.

I didn't even keep track of the rounds because I was figuring out what would be a good combination of things to hit. I organically settled on axle thrusters with 110, giant-set with chin-ups and Yukon squats with 135. I think it was around 6 rounds of that, finishing up with a set of 20 push-ups.

Nothing crazy but it got me breathing, which was making me cough. Because this workout was done before I got tested I wanted something easy to recover from.