The hell is up with all these new Xanga ads? I'd switch to something else if I didn't want to maintain continuity. Gonna have to do some more code tweaking to get rid of them.
Officially cutting weight as of today. I'm a fat piece of shit. Currently 235 lbs. Took some pictures, they were ugly as sin. Gonna post them anyways to shame myself.
Doing a lot of reading. A LOT of reading. Got a cool app on my Droid called Read It Later that lets me archive everything on my computer and have it send to my phone in formatted article form. Saving a lot of T-Nation and EliteFTS stuff this way.
Read something interesting from Andy Bolton about how he nixed extensions of any kind completely.
Done doing my very first deload and am set to start second mesocycle of 5/3/1 tomorrow. Doing a lot of cardio and cutting out carbs except for veggies and fruit (grains allowed before lifting, though I may cut that out eventually). Feels good to eat less.