Went into this session with a better expectation of what to do: people hit hard, so give what you get. Switches rounds throughout the 45 minutes so I can't accurately give a breakdown of each one. After the first two rounds though I felt myself gassing, which stunned me. For one, I found it harder to breathe with the gear on and only one other person wore one. Something I have to get used to.
Had the most trouble with the tallest guy in the class, a guy who looks to be about 6'5 or so, hits and kicks really hard, and frequently shouts Street Fighter lines when hitting the bag. Got some cool bruises from all the kicks he threw. My kicks are awful in sparring situation and I frequently find my range off so I make contact with my toes. This leads me to kicking lightly and handicaps me against opponents. For what it's worth I started landing some clean ones against a shorter opponent later.
Felt a little looser this time and experimented with the hitman style which really had me popping my jab out and tagging chins. Still gun-shy with my right but it's getting there.
As I was walking out I said my goodbyes and this one dude I recognized from last year who seems really experienced said, "Hey, you have some really awkward movements, and your jab is AW-" I prepared to laugh and agree that my jab is awful - "AWESOME. You threw it from crazy angles and I got hit because I couldn't read it." I was shocked and thanked him. I frequently see this guy helping others and getting the better of everyone else there so that was a big deal to me.