345 x 3
315 x 5
Bench press
285 x 5
275 x 6
245 x 8
225 x 6
Dumbbell skullcrushers
35s x 10
Heavy band tricep pressdowns x 10
To recap, I did a press workout the day before yesterday and then a bunch of push-ups, medicine ball burpees, dumbbell lateral raise holds, and shadow boxing with 3 lb dumbbells yesterday. Well I don't have any crazy DOMS, I was planning for today to be a day of rest but the timing to lift heavy was just too perfect: a rare break in rain during this week-long atmospheric river, nothing on the agenda for the day, lots of food...ended up letting the intrusive thoughts win and gave my shoulders a little break by using the bench block on the heaviest sets. 345x3 was perfect - pretty heavy, but nothing that destroyed me.
Surprisingly, the body part that's most sore is my upper back from doing deadlifts for the first time in awhile. And only with 225! Sign from the universe to never break-up with deadlifts again.
Was going to do Kroc rows at the end but I want to deadlift heavier tomorrow and got the idea to add rows and curls in that workout.