Friday, October 2, 2020

Lifted in my respirator in 95 degrees after roasting in my car driving home. I count that as training.

Strict press
170 x 3
200 x 3
227.5 x 1, 1
245 x 0, 0.5
Really wanted a win but just didn't have it again. Might be time for a deload. Felt drained. Lifted in a respirator.

Did some incline pressing and a lot of chin-ups. No isolation work today.

Canceled some hang-out plans to rest and go to bed earlyish tonight.

Did some shadowkickboxing last night and went on a 40 minute run. Really wanted to pig-out afterwards but forced myself to be reasonable while also not skimping on calories TOO much. Made a bomb recipe of cilantro lime chicken with quinoa. Between the quinoa and black beans (I used half of what the recipe called for) this was carbier than I would have liked for nighttime. Next time I go grocery shopping I'll buy ingredients with that goal in mind. Recipes will be low-carb, pre-made food like pizzas and packaged pasta dinners will be for peri-workout.