Yesterday in the few minutes I had before work I busted out 10 burpees immediately after waking up. Felt stiff as a board. Today, feeling better, I hit 25 burpees and some shadow kickboxing in the 3 minutes I had.
Thursday, March 17, 2022
I'm a man of my word and followed through on finding another way forward with healing my back. After some research, I suspect that I've been going at it wrong by just doing stretches and movements that acutely feel good on my lower back (reverse crunches, reverse-hypers, and anything that has me rounding it) and ignoring things that target the pelvis. I followed a simple routine last night before bed from someone else with anterior pelvic tilt that consisted of:
4 lunge stretches, 15 seconds (2 sets on each leg)
30 second butterfly stretch
30 second squat hold
20 second plank, making sure to squeeze the glutes
Woke up with my back feeling much better. Definitely not placebo, this is a big difference. Will keep at it and increase the times, which I kept short last night due to thinking I may have hurt my back from deadlifting (I didn't, it's fine today, I stopped the set at the right time).