Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Went to the hospital lab first thing this morning and did a kidney ultrasound to make sure death isn't imminent from my slightly elevated creatine levels.

The lab technician: "Do you know what could be causing your high creatine level?"
Me: "I take creatine."
Lab tech: "Oh, that would explain it."
The tech commented during the scan that everything appears fine to her, but we're waiting on the radiologist report to confirm it.
Knowing that I could drop dead at any moment and I'd better do everything in life I've always wanted, I went to the boxing gym after work and had a decent partner-centric session where we took turns throwing combos while parrying, blocking, and slipping. Class size to room ratio was an annoyance again: kept htiting my feet against the guys on either side of me throughout the entire class, and then had to share a very light punching bag at the end that went flying in either direction when I'd hit it. At least I got to put my new gloves to use, which felt awesome to hit with.

Back has been feeling really good this week. I've been using the reverse-hyper a lot more, and I think I'm discovering that's the key to it: consistency.

In anticipation of a packed evening, I immediately put on my running shoes after getting home from work and feeding the cat, then did my classic 3 hill sprints up Heart Attack Hill, followed by a 20ish minute jog to the high school and back. Calves are sore from not sprinting in awhile today.

Later that evening, I did an unplanned session of 200 lb sandbag carries, wrist-roller reps (just had this equipment come in from Amazon in order to rehab my elbow, but I've always liked the forearm pump from these), and a 50-second chin-up.