Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Worked the overtime shift yesterday and hit up Muay Thai at the end of the day. Pretty technical day. Drilled the basics in front of the mirror and followed commands on moving in the direction that was called out. Went through punches 1-6 and then strung them together in succession after moving each time. Got asked to help teach a new guy how to throw a hook. Bag work was next. One punch and one kick, then two punches and one kick the next round. For some reason I wasn't landing square on the shins today and coach told me to watch out for that. Was nailing my foot more.

Ended with ab work. Pretty simple evening.
Did this on my work break Sunday, which was only doable because Sundays are very slow and low key.

SSB squats
Up to 422 x 3

330 x 7, 8, 8

Banded neck crunches and external rotation work between a few of the sets

Unilateral Swiss ball leg curls
20, 15


Butt was still sore from lunges several days ago but it didn't seem to matter. I also did some light shadowboxing and kicking practice in the morning and my legs are feeling so tight. Need to stretch the hamstrings out for Muay Thai. More stretching in general.

Later in the evening I did hill sprints.