Finally, meet day. Despite my positive start, I actually did VERY poor by my own standards at this meet, yet still ended up winning 1st place in my weight class as well as a second award of "Best Lifter". For whatever reason, I thought the bluntness of that was funny. There were other titles like "Best Performance In _________" with some qualification at the end, so that was a surprise.
One big mistake was not taking care of the hotel room earlier. Because my last powerlifting meet, and indeed many of my strongman meets, took 12 hours to finish, I greatly overestimated how much time I had. By about 10:00, we still had 2 flights to go before mine was ready, so at this point I started packing my hotel things. Right as I walked back to the meet area I heard my name being announced. I'd had no warm-up and my gear wasn't ready, so I just ripped my shoes off, put on my knee sleeves, put my shoes back on, and walked up to take my opener, an easy 445. Next was 465, and then 501. Everything went up fine but by the time I was finished squatting I noticed my back was bothering me.
In my hurry, I forgot twice to go to the judges and let them know my next attempt. I'd also cut my pinkie somehow and bled on the judge's table. My card was splattered with blood, which made it easy to locate when writing my attempts down. The judge said she was a surgeon and that it didn't bother her. I actually recognized her as the judge who was rude to me last meet, but she was very nice here.
Anyway, some real amateur shit on my behalf, but I had to move on. The bench press was terrible. I hit 315 on my second attempt, which I intended to be extremely conservative given my weight cut, but then failed 350. I know I should have that and more, but it's not like I've ever crushed that while doing a sudden water weight cut, either. I didn't beat myself up over it, but my mind was already racing about getting back to training and bringing my upper-body strength up.
The deadlift phase came by very quick. I could see that this meet was breezing by far more quickly than before. At this point, it was around 1:00 pm; in 2016 we were starting deadlifts around 5:30.
My opener was higher than I remembered choosing, probably because I was thinking about it from a state of being in back pain. I did 515 and then immediately started using my vibrating foam roller and massage gun, which seemed to help quite a bit. I chose a super conservative jump up to 535 after my bench experience and knowing my back was in bad shape. Made a very concerted effort to harden my abs and it flew up faster than 515. Feeling a little good about that, I pondered for awhile before choosing 570 for my third. Not the 600+ I had planned for, but above the 550 I was considering as a safe bet. Well, the bar broke off the floor but I felt a strong twinge in my already painful back so I dropped it. At least I was able to walk away without any hindrance or limp.
As I already went over, I won 1st, but was feeling some imposter syndrome. I felt like I didn't deserve it. I let myself enjoy the moment and my friends being happy about it, but as mentioned before, my mind was racing about the things I need to do for next time. I didn't even bother asking my friend for the footage from the bench and deadlift portions. I wasn't seething over it or anything, I simply didn't care. I would like to see them now, though, but for the time being, I have my squat on video.
I learned a lot going through with this meet and I can at least be satisfied I threw my current best at it. I'm glad I had the know-how and discipline to make weight on advanced notice and max squat without much preparation. I've got a lot to work on and also have to decide where I want my weight to go from here.