Thursday, May 2, 2019

Donned my mask and sprinted up Heart Attack Hill before having to rip it off. Crazy hard. Did two more sprints and then went on a 15-20 minute jog, using the mask about half of that. It must look pretty silly to have Bane running down the street at night.
340, 390, 442 x 3

335 x 2 x 8

Barbell alternating lunges
155 x 16, 14

Good mornings
155 x 8, 10

Ab wheel

I'm not going to lie, this was a downright lazy session. Legs felt like lead under the bar and energy was low. Started warm-ups around 2:30 and finished my last set of good mornings by 5:00...and still had abs to do inside the house. Just took some long ass rest times between my squat sets. Going to hold my feet to the fire and record my start time in this log before beginning my session so it's staring me in the face as I record.
Overhead pressed 185x4 on Tuesday. Really thought I had 5 in me. First 3 shot up like a rocket and then my shoulders felt tired after that. Damn.

Practiced Muay Thai by myself afterwards, and also yesterday. Intended to go to class yesterday but I took a nap and slept through the afternoon.