450 x 8
330 x 21
250 x 30
Leg extensions
10 plates x 30
Leg curls
10 plates x 30, 30
Kettlebell swings
50 lbs x 100
Almost back to my pre-COVID number of 450x10. I'm very chill about comparing past accomplishments. If I'm on the cusp of surpassing a PR, I'll take note of it but otherwise I have no anxiety about not being near historical peaks (for example, my strict press is far from my old max of 250). It's a necessary attitude for longevity and I thank my injuries and illnesses for coming to that mindset. There's literally no choice in present form to chase old numbers when you just got out of surgery so you have to channel strength into other avenues: bodyweight exercises, reading, etc. Hell, go set PRs in wrist curls, as long you're excelling in SOMETHING.
Staggered around for a few seconds after the 250 struggling to keep lucid. Felt like I needed to lie down and die for awhile so I immediately went to the Thai bag and did a round of punches and kicks. Have to seize on the opportunity and take advantage of this level of fatigue when possible because I remember the feeling of sweltering suffocation in the middle of hard sparring rounds. I wasn't alone there like I am here to have the luxury of catching my breath; it was either ignore the panic and fight or succumb to the quit and drown in the Deep Water.