Sunday, December 24, 2017

Awful night. In the middle of squatting 290 I felt a tiny twinge in my back on just one rep. I reracked, considered how I felt, then belted up and tried again. Sudden sharp pain in my lower right back at the bottom of the first rep. I actually let out a grunt from the shock of it. Painfully came up and reracked, then hobbled to my chair. This is a particularly bad one. I'm estimating I'll be back to 100% in two weeks.
Went on a 1-hour run the day before yesterday through the park and back. I'm pretty heavy right now and my right ankle got sore, but nothing too bad.

Last night:

Bench press
Up to 100 x 10
105 x 12, 15, 15
Super-set with various rows

One-arm dumbbell press
50 x 8
100 x 8
115 x 8
125 x 8, 9, 8
Super-set with dumbbell rows of the same weight for 10 reps

Monster mini pressdowns with right arm super-set with 10 lb curls for 3 sets

Finished off with tricep pressdowns on my good arm, more facepulls, and curls

Got a good 9 hours of sleep after and am here in the office on Christmas Eve, making sure to eat big.