Thursday, July 30, 2020

Axle strict press
160 x 5
182 x 5
207 x 3, 4
Last 3 sets super-set with Iron Woody band pulldowns
* Felt like a ton of bricks today, glad I got 4 at least because grinding out 3 on the first attempt made me feel pissed off. 

Some quick backstory. For the past few months I've been having temporary but near-daily nausea issues, most severe in the morning, coupled with a more-frequent-than-usual need to piss. Monday it was REALLY bad. Might have been compounded from a seafood restaurant I ate at on Sunday while at the beach (we social distanced). It was a struggle Monday to eat anything, although I made a weightgainer and got an OK amount of calories and protein in. Definitely not enough to grow off of but no less an amount than when I maintain or cut weight. Anyway, it might have been too optimistic to expect a heroic press attempt after feeling like crap, so I'm happy I did what I did here.

Absolutely killed it on the accessory work though. After my usual incline bench and decline dumbbell press I just attacked what I had in my living room. I was going to stop like normal, thought I looked too small in the mirror, and then kept adding "1 more set" of randomness: push-ups, partial push-ups, kettlebell preacher curls, overhead tricep extensions, band pullaparts. Had a crazy pump afterwards and I ended the workout at 10:30PM.