Entry #741
Long time no update, comrade, but today made up for it. More on that soon. I've been training consistently and intensively, but it's exclusively been in regards to lifting. I cannot viably call myself a "fighter" unless I pick up steam - fast.
I'm late to bed and late to rise. I'll phase this out and eventually get my schedule running for school, which is in summer and on.
There's more, but today ruled, first and foremost. I was doing crazy plates (I seriously need a new name for these) for RE when I got fed up with the 25s constantly banging into the floor. Kettleballs are just far more optimal, but they were locked up beyond the closed-off section - still. I decided to take matters into my own hands and hop the fence. Quickly, I bagged the 45s and hoisted them up, which ripped a huge hole in my gym bag. It was worth it. I jumped out just as a couple of people came in the area to use the machines. There literally could not have been better timing on my part.
My arms had a very deep, roaring soreness within them from the combination of the insane stabilization required for the exercise and hoisting myself over the fence and back on sore appendages. It was an excruciatingly painful session the rest of the way through. Which ruled.
RE upper
Crazy plates:
4x15 75, 95, 150)
1x8 150 lbs. (kettleballs)
Overhead cable extensions:
4x12 100 lbs., rest was entire stack
Wide-grip pull-ups:
Hise shrugs:
3x15 275 lbs.