Yukon squats
315 x 5
365 x 5
415 x 5
* Going as deep as I am actually makes this pretty damn challenging. This was just the right amount of weight for 5. Or maybe I'm just weak. It'd be interesting to go back to parallel-depth squats and see how I measure up to before.
315 x 7, 10
SSB lunges
150 x 10 (alternating)
Good mornings
150 x 5
Banded leg curls
15, 15
Hanging leg raises, ab wheel
Going to visit a pumpkin patch tomorrow. Besides just liking to mention life stuff that I come back to read later, it's relevant because I'll probably be eating a lot while out and about. For Halloween I'm leaning toward doing an updated Ash from the Evil Dead series. I was him a few years ago but I look very different now at 25 lbs lighter a bodyweight and I want my get-up to be more battle-worn and tattered.