Monday, July 10, 2023


Up to 525x3 +10 shrugs
405x12 +10 shrugs

Romanian dumbbell deadlifts
125s x 10

Goblet squats
50 x 30, 20, 20

Intended to do abs but back was feeling pissy so did the McGill Big 3 rehab protocol and side planks were a part of that. 

Gonna lay off the weights today except for the reverse hyper. Also aim to take the Prowler out for a ride.

Took the time to make homemade coffee the night before and it's treating me nice this morning. Had set my alarm 20 minutes earlier but I woke up on my own earlier than that, at 6am sharp, to drop my visiting brother off at the airport before work.

Experiencing a VERY rare instance of genuinely not being able to tell if my back is minorly injured or incredibly sore now. Felt it come on gradually throughout the evening and it was uncomfortable to sleep on.