Thursday, December 31, 2020

Felt like my body was lacking a disturbing sense of discomfort so I banged out a 20-minute workout before getting ready for New Year's Eve with my lockdown pod. This is borderline-dumbass mainstream fitness crap but wanted to earn my drink intake tonight.

Clean and press
110 x 20, 10, 10

Lat pulldowns
10, 5
Drop-down to lat pulldowns again x 10

SSB squats
10, 10, 10

Push-ups x 35

1 hill sprint

These were done as giant sets with no rest between each set of presses, lat pulldowns/chins, and squats. 1-2 minute rest times after that trifecta.

Those clean and presses kinda kicked my ass once the short rest times started adding up. I ate like a powerlifter beforehand and that was a mistake before a circuit type session like this. Basically had to cut sprinting short so I wouldn't throw up and also in anticipation of staying up late with my friends. I'm definitely going to do something like this at least once a week to compliment my heavy lifting. Anytime I find a way to make myself out of breath within a matter of minutes is a gift to focus on and I honestly feel out of my element pushing some resistance while gasping for air. I also feel emotionally better not spending 2 hours training because I'm addicted to nailing some coveted top-set.

Got a lot of food for tonight and protein supplements. After today's stressful work day I'm ready to unwind and then get back to the...ugh, "grind".

Had a good pull day doing lighter weight and more reps after lifting 585 once and just feeling dead. Hit 505x10 off 8 mats and then 405x12 from the floor. Worked up to 200 lb SSB lunges and some ab work as well. Butt and abs are especially sore now.

Went on an easy hike yesterday with a friend. Nothing strenuous but between that and walking around downtown I got a solid 5 hours of walking.

Drank a lot of sugar and I haven't done a dedicated cardio session in like a week. Just so happens the timing of New Year's coincides with my intent to get back on the frequent Muay Thai training and running again. Body composition is still looking good.

Axle press
180 x 5
205 x 1, 3
230 x 0, 1

Axle push-press
230 x 2

Axle press
155 x 8, 8, 7

Axle Incline bench press
110 x 10
160 x 5