I've mapped it out and am going to deload on Monday. It actually fits quite nicely with my 5/3/1 cycle. By the time my meet comes around, that would be the week I'd normally hit singles.
Training conjugated is also an option but I can't be sure that'll freshen me up the way I need in time because right now I feel run down. Resisting the urge to overhaul everything right before a meet.
Friday, April 8, 2022
I lost track of how many mat pull sets I did but after failing to break 550 off 6 pavers I did sets of 2 and 3 with 500. Totally reps in 10 minutes was 9-11. The later sets came much easier. That's a good sign. Next time, I might do repeated attempts with 450-500 before attempting heavier to prime my back. A final attempt to move 550 after all this failed.
I need to deload. Everything has felt heavy lately. The other day when I didn't even lift I felt like a zombie walking around after cardio.
I'm in a crunch-mode mindset but it'll probably do me more good than anything. This period is more about maintaining the strength I've already built up while making the weight.
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