Saturday, February 22, 2020

From a few days ago that I neglected to upload.

Axle strict press
165 x 5
190 x 3
210 x 2
Super-set with chin-ups and pull-ups (half and half)
* Beyond what I was expecting, kickass. The band training is going great.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Worked up to a 310x4 bench press on Wednesday. Not a bad showing. Might have had a 5th in me but didn't feel like dealing with a failed press after how hard I've been training.

Stunningly sore from those squats on Tuesday, the most I've been in years. Nostalgic feeling.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Did a squat strip-set by starting with 425 and dropping down to 315, 225, 135, and 45 x 10. Had to lie down and struggle not to puke afterwards. Also resisted some mental weakness of wanting to give up merely because of leg discomfort starting in the middle of 315 and continuing on down the line.

Went back at night to do good mornings and ab wheel rolling.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Came home from work yesterday evening and did a bunch of band sets for rear-delts. It's an exercise where I drape the band across the top curve of my punching bag stand so it's at an angle above my head and pull my arms apart. Mixed that up with leg raises and the ab wheel.

Followed that up with some easy shadow kickboxing rounds, lowering the speed to focus on form. Nothing too structured, just listened to music and had some fun moving around.

Been getting good sleep this week, 8-9 hours on average.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Quick video of the 475 squat and 315 pause deads from yesterday.


Did a 10-min shadow kickboxing round yesterday after work followed by 3 hill sprints and a 10 minute jog.

Bench press
270 x 5
305 x 3
340 x 1
* Everything felt pretty heavy today. Nothing out of the ordinary though.
Super-set with Iron Woody band rows

50 x 12
90 x 6 -> bodyweight x 6
50 x 6 -> bodyweight x 6
Super-set with Iron Woody band rows and bent-over dumbbell rows
20, 20
125 lb dumbbell x 8

Decline push-ups
Super-set with keg curls
160 x 8 + 35 lb dumbbell curls with Fat Gripz x 8

Dumbbell curls
50s x 8


365 x 5
420 x 3
465 x 1
* Can't believe how light the weights felt on my legs. Conversely, though, I was pretty wobbly under the bar. Didn't have enough food in me, which makes a difference on that.

SSB squats
310 x 2 x 8

Pause deadlifts
315 x 5, 4
* No straps this time.

Thursday, February 6, 2020


Came home from yesterday evening and did about 8 minutes of shadow kickboxing followed by a 15 minute jog afterwards.

Deadlifted 550x2 today. Had to shut it down due to prior back pain that became aggravated by the third rep. At least I got 2 reps on my first try this time. A good marker for my bad day strength.

As for my back, I dunno what's going on with it. It's been real bad lately, even after taking measures like sleeping on my back, doing stretches at work, etc. It just hasn't been enough. Wish I had a proper reverse-hyper. I'll do a lot more imitation movements on the Swiss ball. Laying stomach-down over the ball to round my back for an extended period of time also makes it feel good. I can read or play my Switch doing that. Will make a real concerted effort to do all this continuously in preparation for next week. The strength is definitely there for 5 or more with 550.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Bench press
250 x 3
290 x 3
325 x 3
* Felt real light.
Last set super-set with bent-over rows (unilateral)
50 with Fat Gripz x 10 followed immediately by 115 x 5

Bench press
245 x 10, 9, 9
Super-set with dumbbell rows (bilateral)
8, 9, 10

Iron Woody band press
Super-set with dumbbell rows (bi)

Purple band chest flyes

Real pleased with this program cycle thus far. Broke through some poundages that I was stalling on previously. Gonna do some bicep curls and rear-delt work at the office this evening (there's a basic weight set there).

Also, so I'm not seeing "Untitled" for every post in my post list, I'm adding entry numbers again which I used to manually keep track of.
Been dealing with some work-related stress (no day off last week, bickering with my boss) and lack of sleep over the weekend but my strength has been on the upswing.

The rundown for Saturday was squatting an easy 440x3 and then staying over in Santa Cruz. Went to the beach at night and the next morning, it was a blast. It was like Silent Hill at midnight.