Thursday, May 24, 2018

One thing I find bad humor in yesterday I want to note: at one point, as I was trying to talk to my ex she pushed my face. It wasn't hard but it hurt because my septum and front gums still have pain from sparring last Friday. Tells me with the level some people go at I should invest in a facemask with a noseguard.

Family conflict is arising from this ordeal, stupidly. My sister blames me for my ex breaking in and I blame her for blaming me. We argued today and I'm just going to shun her now, and probably forever.

Anyway, while emotional hang-ups are there today was much better. Missed Muay Thai yesterday because of obvious reasons taking up my time but came in today even though I really didn't feel like it. Didn't sleep well, felt distracted mentally, and was tired, which was all the more reason to reject the call of weakness and train. Ended up having a good session. I've been doing stretches before leaving for class. Nothing extensive, just about 5 minutes of lying on my back against the wall and letting my legs spread open. I am noticing the change in my kicks, particularly my left. It's not everytime but there are moments where I kick high so easily with the technique falling into place it catches me by surprise. No longer feel like I have to force kicks up.

No mitts today. Partner would throw a kick that I checked, followed by a body kick I'd block, then repeat on other side. Then attacker and defender switch. Repeat.

Added in a counter. 3-2 for left side after the check and again after the body kick. 2-3 for right side. Repeat.

Then did 1 minute of heavy bag work followed by 1 minute of abs. Repeat for 10 minutes. Did planks, sit-ups, and leg raises. The math for that amount of exercises obviously doesn't add up so I'm not sure if we did longer striking rounds or it was just cut short, to be honest.

Finding it cathartic to write about what's bothering me and transitioning to training to finish off, the way it is in life. Boot out what gets in the way.