Friday, August 17, 2018

315 x 3
375 x 3, 4
Goal was 5. Couldn't double-overhand past 3. Went upstairs and dug out my chalk before returning for an easy 4.

SSB box squats
290, 310 x 5
330 x 3
Muay Thai on Wednesday. Sparred with two people, my buddy Daniel and a real heavy-set guy who punched too hard after we agreed on 50% but was so slow that it didn't matter. With how much I let him breathe and held back on strikes that connected though I kept thinking if I was going anywhere close to as hard as he was swinging at me he'd be flatlined. Daniel was fun to spar with as always. I'm focusing on finding my range so punches don't fall short anymore. Afterwards he commended my body mobility but that my head wasn't following suit. More head movement.

Did a press workout yesterday. Got 185 for a single and then incline benched with the axle for 165x7-9 reps for several sets. Then I FINISHED up with a max effort landmine press with 3 plates for 8 reps. I haven't been doing as much unilateral pressing the last 2 weeks but I've decided it's important to keep it up until I'm using my other arm for truly heavy weight that matches where I used to be.