Monday, May 11, 2020

Axle strict press
150 x 5
172 x 5
195 x 5
* Nailed it finally.

Spent the rest of the time switching between axle bench, weighted chins and pull-ups, and training my friend, who started out with mat pulls. He got up to 185x1. Capable of more but he's recovering from wrist injuries that flare up, but this was more than he's ever done so it was a good pr. What I found super impressive were the farmers' walks he did a few sessions ago: 100 lbs in each hand down the length of my yard. I also had him doing pull-ups using a band under his feet for assistance, he did a bunch of sets for 5. Bet he's gonna be sore from those because there was a lot of grinding.

We finished off with mitts, reviewing the basics and then taking turns throwing 1-2-3s, and then did a couple of light sparring rounds. Boxing only, didn't want to kick up dirt at each other by kicking. Another time I may set up the patio pavers under us so we can kick or take our gear to the park.

Will probably do some isolation work on my own for biceps, chest, traps, neck, and rear-delts. Not sorry, the bodybuilding sessions have been making a difference and my traps and chest are growing.