Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Mat pulls (8)
565 x 8
* Not only did this come easier than last week but I didn't need to rest-pause this time. After a rough and hectic week it was nice to win one. Felt my mind being distracted as I bent down to set-up and told myself "You're either going to get it or you're not, don't even think." Seriously, screw psyche-outs in training.

Belt squats
6 plates x 8
9 plates x 8, 10

Will do unilateral leg work and abs later after getting home from the hospital. Distractions prolonged this session including work-from-home and meeting with a carpet cleaner.


Swiss bar bench
225 x 3 
255 x 3
282.5 x 2, 1, 2
287.5 x 2, 2.5
230 x 8
Super-set with dumbbell rows
50s x 8, 5, 5, 5
115s x 8, 8
* Didn't realize I forgot a 5 on one side, I was wondering why the weight disposition was throwing off my groove. Noticing this after three tries and feeling hungry, I took a short break to eat a slice of Dave's Killer Bread, a small cup of tomato parmesan soup, and a slice of cheesecake. Came back and got a 2, then baaaaarely didn't lockout for a last attempt at 3. I was able to get it just up enough to re-rack but it was as close to failing as possible. Bit of a chaotic group of sets but all those heavy lifts was good training for next time. The adrenaline dump after was crazy. 

Came back later at night after the hospital visit and did some tricep extensions, curls, and behind-the-neck bar presses.