Saturday, December 5, 2020

 Did a fun loaded carry session after work. Loaded up the farmers' handles with 200 lbs each and would do one set constituting a lap back-and-forth in the yard followed by carrying the keg until bicep fatigue (a little wary about tears, maybe I should just ignore it though). Did this 5 times.

Went out to run hill sprints at night, 4 total. As I was jogging backwards down the hill on the 3rd somebody came up to the fence at the top and hopped it, then started jogging down it after me as I was staring back at them. They didn't bother trying to get on the other side of the path either, they just started following my path. I could barely see them but they could definitely see me with my arm light. Decided to be a little bit of a dick and pretend they weren't there, so when it was time to sprint again I basically came barreling at them from downhill and they kind of jumped aside at the last minute. This is an enclosed path in a pandemic, maybe go down the other way a few minutes further instead of hopping a fence and following someone in the dark? 

Went on a short jog after the sprints.