Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Entry #1082

Loaded squat walkout:
440 x 10 seconds
> I dig these a lot. Instant squat performance improvement + ab work.

Safety bar squat:
385 x 5
> Quad is STILL sore, making it well over a week. Should I count it as an injury? Still squatted strong.

17, 12

Calf raises

One-arm dumbbell press:
140 x 5, 5, 5

Dumbbell row:
185 x 5/1
> 5 in left arm. When doing the other I felt a twinge in my back so I stopped.

Weighted chin-ups:
45 x 10, 10, 6

Dumbbell pec squeezes:
40s x 5, 5, 4

Back pain is persisting. Nothing serious, it should go away in a day or two. Between squatting, the GHR (which always stiffens my back), barbell calf raises, and finally, 3 sets of having to manhandle a 140 lb dumbbell off of the floor and into my lap, my back is getting stupidly pumped by the end. I might need to look into belting up.

While I'm at it, I should use straps for things like rows, too. The way this routine is peppered with unilateral things I'm taxing my grip a ton, to the point where I barely even use my Fat Gripz anymore. It's time to go full-on puss mode with belts and straps, I'd say.

So in a strange turn of events, my CNS is healthy and I still feel fresh, but my body is a little beat up. Lots of healing for the next two days, and maybe just box squatting next week if my quad isn't back to normal.

Entry #1081

Goofy session yesterday.

340 x 3
390 x 3
440 x 5
500 x 0
> Equipment failure. Basically, the barbell fell apart, and it took me until the middle of putting the plates back to realize what had happened. I was doing 440 for 9 but felt the weight start to shift to the left, and by the 5th rep it was completely lopsided. I thought my grip was just uneven but I didn't want to go for high reps again, so I loaded up 500, pulled it off the floor and again felt the barbell tilt on its end. Eventually I found out that the screw had fallen out and the plates were gradually pushing against the collars, migrating to the end of the bar.

Unilateral overhead press:
75 x 12/5, 10/5, 10/5
> Right and left arm, respectively. Looks like one-handed is definitely the way to go for isolating problem areas. Doing two hands with the 80s meant I was forcing reps on my left when it couldn't extend all the way and underworking my right. I'll keep doing this until both sides are even. Oh, and there was less (read: none) pain than usual this way, thanks to being able to devote 100% focus to each side at a time. Guess I'm no longer in any hurry to get a Swiss bar.

NG pull-ups:
12, 12, 10

SSB squat:
255 x 5, 5, 5

Fasted walk today. Weighed in at 216.