Sunday, June 26, 2005

Entry #118
Squat day:

Squats -- 5 sets; 12, 10, 6, 5, 5 reps (135 lbs for warm-ups, 255 lbs on last three sets)

Leg press -- 4 sets; 10, 6, 8, 8 reps (225 lbs warm-up, 600 lbs last three sets)

Leg extension -- 4 sets; 8 reps (180 lbs)

Leg curls -- 4 sets; 8 reps (120 lbs)

Powerlifting protocol does not condone such isolation
exercises, yet I would like to train calves individually on a
seperate day, perhaps with abs. Should not conflict with the schedule.
Also adding endurance training on my off days with push-ups and
pull-ups, respectively (thanks for this, Jared). Including that with
martial arts training (muay thai, hopefully soon) and boxing
drills on the heavy bag, and there's my summer. And skating.

Water intake is at a good level. Drank half a gallon during the session.

On leg press I was disappointed with how I was only able to do 6
reps, and I thought about dropping the weight a little bit, since I had
just done squats. Instead I pointed my finger at the plates, told them
to "Go to Hell", and then did 8 reps. Terminated. But they'll be back.
Went on to the speed bag for cooling down at the end.

Light shadow boxing and flexibility stretches at home. My speed is picking up a little bit.