Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Mat pulls (6)
535 x 3
*Back felt weak. Still sick. Will try again at this depth next week. Keep pulling from the floor, it always gives a boost.

SSB box squats
Up to 330 x 3 x 5

Romanian deadlifts
315 x 8

315 x 8

*Last two sets of deadlifts were done on a slight decline so a deficit was present.

* I seem to remember a few years ago I was only doing planks for 30 to 40 seconds. Out of nowhere they became really easy. Maybe Muay Thai? Also much lighter body weight.
Trained sick.

Bench press
215 x 3
245 x 3
275 x 5
215 x 14

Strict press (power-clean first rep)
135 x 8, 8, 8

Band flyes

Super-set with pull-ups
8, 12
35 x 8, 10, 10, 10

50s x 8
50 (left hand only) x 5 dropset to 35 x 4

Right bicep was hurting a little from the power cleans and weighted pull-ups. Growing pains, nothing to worry about. Come to think of it this might be the first time I've done cleans since surgery.