Friday, December 13, 2024

Axle clean once and press: 110 x 5
Close-grip neutral grip chin-ups: 5
8 rounds in 6:58

50 x 12, 12
75 x 10
Super-set with Pendlay rows
160 x 12, 12, 12

Sandbag squats
200 x 12, 12

50-second chin-up

I wasn't looking forward to this because training without some kind of heavy top set bores the powerlifter in me, but I always end up feeling really good once I'm running the workout. Got a good upper-body pump and walk out of the gym feeling better and more energized than when I walked in.

No elbow pain on the 50-sec chin-up this time, but I'm keeping the dropdown faster than the ascension in order not to push that.

 When I arrived at boxing on Tuesday I found my Cerberus belt waiting for me in the exact same spot that I'd left it. Thankfully I didn't need it this time, but after skipping rope I lent it to someone who was telling the coach he threw out his back bending down to his gym bag just then. He said it helped immediately.

For shadowboxing rounds, we used a plastic ring to throw a 1-2 in front of, then dip to either the left and throw a right uppercut or to the right and throw a left uppercut.

Partnered up afterwards with a fairly big guy who was dressed in pink pants, a Mike Tyson tank, and a comb embedded in his hair. I dug it, haha. Despite the loud look, he was quiet and all business, which was fine by me. Took turns throwing 1-2s, then 1-2-3s, and then did various combos on mitts and finished up with the heavy bag.

Wednesday was a total rest day because I was feeling rundown. The timing worked out because my girlfriend invited me to a holiday event at the PayPal Arena that her work got her tickets for. It dawned on me later that I've seen the event from the outside in years past because it's by the Costco I used to go to and I always thought it looked neat. We walked around and looked at the decorations, which were incredibly extravagant, and I got several comments from strangers on my Abdominal Swoleman sweater. 

Not super exciting but got a lot of walking in while taking in the eye candy. I'd had a huge meal just before leaving so I wasn't hungry enough to buy any food and I abstained from alcohol even though the drinks in a lit light bulb looked cool.