Tuesday, May 24, 2022

150, 170, 190 x 3
Last set super-set with wide pull-ups

Press with Fat Gripz
125 x 5 x 10
Super-set with wide pull-ups
Sets of 10, last 2 sets with 50 lbs of 5, 8 (finishing each of those with body weight pull ups to get 10)

Axle high pulls
150 x 10, 10, 10
Super-set with overhead shrugs
95 x 15, 13, 13, 10, 10

Bent-over dumbbell shrugs
100 x 10

Banded incline dumbbell press
35s x 10, 10, 6 -drop-set to no band x 3
Super-set with band flyes
10, 10

Divebomb pushups 

I seriously lagged in this workout. Just felt crummy and tired. After the overhead press sets the I felt a fire light in me and I ran through a bunch of bodybuilding stuff, focusing on traps (which I'm hammering during this bulk) and chest. 

I've been keeping up on training but I feel my motivation to log just plummet. Part of it is my back and the fact that nothing seems to be working so far. If I bend backwards I can feel a point in the middle of my spine that feels like there's a pebble digging into it. I should probably get it checked out. My homemade reverse hyper does seem to provide some immediate relief, but I'm really suspecting my memory foam mattress isn't doing my back any favors and that I need better support, based on how I feel when I wake up. However, my back hurt before on my old spring mattress and going on an expensive wild goose chase to get a new mattress when I just replaced it is something I've dragged my feet on.

Luckily I have a small spring mattress in storage and can try that out for a few days. There's always a way to move forward and always a way to train.