Right knee has been in a little pain lately so did some tibialis raises on Sunday night.
Began yesterday morning with 3 minutes of shadow kickboxing and 20 burpees.
After work:
3-minute round on the heavy bag comprised of 2 minutes of straight 1-2s and 1 minute of freestyle
1 set of 290x10 on the reverse hyper
1 backwards jog for knee rehab and then 3 sprints up Heart Attack Hill followed by a 15 min jog to the high school and back. The way back had another hill which I ran up.
Also got some leg stretches done at night. Knee does not hurt when jogging or squatting, and is in fact feeling a lot better after just a few days of rehab exercises. Feels like the discomfort stems from standing long at work and then going to boxing afterwards. Easy to make the necessary habit change.
Was short on time this morning but still squeezed in 20 high-speed burpees.
With how good 100 rep curls made my elbow feel and the awesome pump that went with it, I'm fixin' to add in high rep axle skullcrushers to match. Don't want this to backfire so I'll start with 50 as the front end of a super-set.
Back double bi taken yesterday: