Worked the heavy bag at home for 3 minutes across 3 rounds on Monday, then had a friend who I was letting use my gym throw punches at me while I could only defend for 2 rounds of 2 minutes. Wanted to go on a run afterwards but opted to start winding down for bed to get a lot of sleep.
Yukon bar squats
420 x 3
Drop-down to 370 x 5, 320 x 8, 230 x 8, 140 x 8
20 Russian twists
Ab wheel
5 lying + 5 standing
5 standing
420 felt heavier than I expected. Was aiming for 5 but was content with 3. Had some difficulty with the low-bar placement today. I started by experimenting with high bar in the work-up sets but with this curved bar, it wasn't happening by 320. Switching mid-workout and finding the positioning was surprisingly tricky.