Friday, May 10, 2024

 Felt seriously run down yesterday after work and thought about not training. Slept poorly the night before, allergies were flaring up throughout the day, and despite an evening cup of coffee I just wanted to go to sleep. Once I got downstairs and got moving, everything started to feel better. Almost no rest times; despite the written order, leg exercises were done between sets of upper-body work.

Bodyweight x 10
50 x 10
80 x 10
100 x 10, 10

Banded lat pulldowns
4 x 10

Single leg extensions
290 x 3 x 20

Single leg curls
290 x 15

Single leg Romanian deadlifts
50 x 10

Behind-the-neck press
50 x 23

Seated dumbbell curls
35s x 12
Super-set with kettlebell preacher curls
15s x 12

50-second chin-up

As I type this the next morning, I'm running on far better and deeper sleep. Felt like I went in a coma, waking up only once to use the restroom, and woke-up feeling rested 30 minutes before my alarm. 

Back continues to get a little better every day. Looking forward to Friday evening boxing.