Tuesday, August 3, 2021

 Schedule has gotten later as my first job's hours have been adjusted. Lately I've been busy at work during the day and then hitting the weights in the evening after I'm done with the second. I'm going to realign and wake-up early enough to lift before my first shift soon.

Yukon bar squats
345 x 3
395 x 3
445 x 3

Drop-down sets of 405x4, 315x8, 225x8, 135x8

Finished at 10pm so saving posterior-chain stuff and abs for tomorrow.

Swiss bar bench
245 x 5
280 x 3
315 x 1
245 x 10
Last 2 sets super-set with unilateral dumbbell rows
100 x 8
115 x 10

Close grip Swiss bar bench
190 x 10, 10
Super-set with uni dumbbell rows
125 x 8, 10