This week is trying to be very busy event-wise. To name just 2 out of several, a co-worker invited us all out to tacos on Tuesday and another co-worker suggested we go out on Friday because my birthday is close in date to another employee's. Sacrifices have to be made in the interest of selfishness so I cancelled Taco Tuesday to go to boxing at least once this week. There are just too many people asking for my time this week and I needed to rebalance.
Squat walkout: 500 lbs x 10 seconds
430 x 8
320 x 19
20 kettlebell pull-overs with 25 lbs
Dumbbell RDLs
125s x 8
Back has been hurting since Friday, possibly from forced reps during ab training in boxing class after going to failure. Woke up thinking I'd have to do belt squats so this was a win.