My doctor emailed me that everything looks fine with my kidneys. Nothing I wasn't expecting, but it's good to have this formally checked off given the amount of time I hadn't been to the doctor's until this year. Going to start creatine again today.
440 x 3
320 x 13, 10
Reverse-hyper after every squat set: 3 plates x 12-15
Continuing on with the narrower stance and keeping a relaxed grip on the bar. Really buried every rep. Despite the lower weight, it's a powerful feeling to blast out of the hole using quad power instead of having more help from my hips when squatting wide. The Yukon bar kept slipping down my back and I had to adjust during the sets, probably as a result of having less meat up there to cushion it (weighed 201.2 this morning).
With nothing to lose and no powerlifting meet on the horizon, I may switch to the safety squat bar for awhile as I rehab my elbow.
On the dietary front, I ate 12 eggs yesterday in sets of 4, not counting added egg whites.