Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Quick video of the 475 squat and 315 pause deads from yesterday.


Did a 10-min shadow kickboxing round yesterday after work followed by 3 hill sprints and a 10 minute jog.

Bench press
270 x 5
305 x 3
340 x 1
* Everything felt pretty heavy today. Nothing out of the ordinary though.
Super-set with Iron Woody band rows

50 x 12
90 x 6 -> bodyweight x 6
50 x 6 -> bodyweight x 6
Super-set with Iron Woody band rows and bent-over dumbbell rows
20, 20
125 lb dumbbell x 8

Decline push-ups
Super-set with keg curls
160 x 8 + 35 lb dumbbell curls with Fat Gripz x 8

Dumbbell curls
50s x 8


365 x 5
420 x 3
465 x 1
* Can't believe how light the weights felt on my legs. Conversely, though, I was pretty wobbly under the bar. Didn't have enough food in me, which makes a difference on that.

SSB squats
310 x 2 x 8

Pause deadlifts
315 x 5, 4
* No straps this time.