Friday, February 18, 2022

Just forced myself to do a 30-minute workout consisting of Yukon bar squats with 225x3x10 with sets of 8 chin-ups between all warm-up and other sets. My quads feel like glass and I consider this a deload. I'm starting to think I get this feeling when I squat really deep over a long period of time.

Really hectic day yet again and I have little time until I have to wake up early tomorrow for the brunch cruise, but I'm glad I went against my inner bitch and hit some iron. Just disobeying the whims of the universe and getting training in is a win.

 Didn't have much time yesterday so I got a quick workout in of 140x5x8-10 on the press, super-set with chins. Tried to press a 100 lb dumbbell before that but couldn't do it once without leg drive, so I used my legs to get 2 reps on my right arm and 1 on my left. Strength is trying to hide from me right now but I'm not letting up on the consistency no matter what's thrown at me.

Suprise overtime today at work and I have no food left except for a jar of nuts. Tomorrow I have a birthday brunch cruise I set-up with my friends that I have to go to sleep early for, so I'm both underfed and short on time. Have a headache today too. The office isn't soaking wet anymore but it smells horrible. With all the windows and doors open to air it out cigarette smoke is constantly wafting in here.

Really quite a shit week. I actually just want the weekend to be over so I can start over next week and crush it. I would cancel my social plans because I'm not in the mood but I paid for the cruise and it was my idea to begin with.