410 x 13
Back had been hurting and wanted to get something done for legs. Invariably works out that I get under the bar, feel pretty good, and that just continues the more I load up. Squatting is more pain-free than day-to-day life. Still feeling quad pain, but I notice an improvement from reducing barbell squat frequency and taking a break from daily burpees with a deep squat.
Incline axle bench press:
225 x 3 x 8
205 x 10
Super-set with wide chin-ups: 15, 15, 15, 20
50 bar curls
Weighed myself mid-day and I was 225.7, more than I thought. Cool! I'm just letting my body do what it wants for now until boxing starts up.
Last night: shadowboxing practice and an easy jog to unwind after a 10-hour work day.