Tuesday, January 17, 2023


Axle clean every rep and press
140 x 3 x 8
Super-set with NG chin-ups
3 x 10


IW tricep pressdowns

Barbell curls
45 x 30

135 x 10, 12

Nothing major but tendonitis still persists near right elbow. That and my back are the only things that aren't feeling great right now. Not a bad state to be in. Hip is feeling better lately.

Doing the McGill 3 helps my back feel better. Combined with the hypers and lower-body yoga (for lack of a better word, it's really just practicing slow-motion high kicks and high leg rotations to loosen that area up), I have a good plan of attack.

Did two deload workouts for bench and squat. Used the Swiss bar and the Yukon bar, respectively.

Weighed-in this morning at 216.6 in the morning pre-breakfast. The weight gain is coming along better than I expected. 

With eggs being out-of-stock at the stores I most frequently shop at, now is the perfect time to change up breakfast. I don't even like eggs, I just eat them ritualistically so I don't have to think about breakfast and can knock a meal out. Anyway, today was bison burger patties on the George Foreman.