Entry #162
Was unable to update last night due to internet problems. Here's how training went:
Warm-up squats: 3 sets; 10, 6, 3 reps (45 lbs, 135 lbs, 185 lbs)
Squats: 3 sets; 6 reps (245 lbs)
Narrow-stance squats: 2 sets; 8 reps (155 lbs - muscles hurt at this point)
Wide-stance squats: 2 sets; 8 reps (155 lbs)
Heavy machine gun...I mean, heavy leg curls: 4 sets; 8 reps (120 lbs)
Leg press: 3 sets; 12 reps (500 lbs)
Light leg curls: 2 sets; 10 reps (90 lbs)
Standing calf-raises: 2 sets; 10 reps (320 lbs)
Seated calf-raises: 2 sets; 12 reps (185 lbs)
For squats I usually use a cushion on the bar so it's more comfortable
on my shoulders. My spotter, Ryan, told me to I have to "Get serious
and quit using the tampon for your shoulders." From now on I'm just
using the bar itself. It's better because the cushion caused the bar to
be too high over my shoulders. But now my shoulders are scratched up
and bleeding. A fair trade-off, I say.
Today I couldn't really walk. I hung out with George but I kept up my
diet of eating as much as humanly possible. We played Contra. It counts as training. It's
mental training.