Sunday, October 29, 2017

Benched up to 80 lbs for 15 reps today after 5 sets of working up from just the bar. I was actually unracking the bar rather than having it on my lap and rolling it up to my chest like I was doing with 65. Finished up the right arm with barbell strick press overhead with the bar for 10, band overhead presses, band pressdowns, band rows and light band curls.

Dumbbell pressed 100x8, 115x8, and 125x3x8 with the left arm, super-setting with rows using the same dumbbell for 10.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Overhead dumbbell pressed 80 x 10 and push pressed the 100 for 3 few days ago.

SSB squats
110 x 30, 30, 30

Good mornings
200 x 2 x 10

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

SSB squats
320 x 5
360 x 3
405 x 3

330 x 8, 8, 10

Band leg curls

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Worked up to 3 sets of 80 lbs for 8 reps doing dumbbell strict press. 25 lb kettlebell in right arm but needed assistance with the left to stabilize it. Surprised at how light the 80 felt. On a 4th set I did 7 strict reps and then two push press reps.

More significantly, I benched 65 lbs. That's a 10 lb jump. Started with 10 reps and finished with 20. I bench with a very wide grip now to bring my lagging chest up to speed.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Getting over being sick. Worked out twice during this duration, nothing too heavy but getting a good pump with the 100 lb dumbbell for dumbbell press. Legs just involved RE with kettlebell goblet squats. Used a 50 pounder. This was a test and I was able to make it work with my healing arm by putting most of the weight on my left, but that made the healthy bicep tendon feel something. Didn't go over 35 reps. Good milestone for the arm, though.

SSB squats
300 x 3
342 x 3
385 x 3

290 x 3 x 10

Band leg curls